Last Part Flashcards
- Modern methods in the execution of death sentences have abandoned inhuman, cruel and barbarous means.
- It is no longer practiced.
Judicial Death
Methods of Judicial Death
Death by Electrocution
Death by hanging
Death by musketry
Death by gas chamber
A person is made to sit on a chair made of electrical conducting materials with straps of electrodes on both
wrists, ankles, and head.
- It has an alternating current voltage of more than 1,500 volts is put on until the convict dies.
Death by Electrocution
- The convict is made to stand in an elevated collapsible flatform with a black hood on the head, a noose made
of rope around the neck and the other end of which is fixed in an elevated structure above the head.
Death by Hanging
The convict is executed by means of tiring squad
- It is called in the part of “fusillading” (rifle)
Death by Musketry
- The convict is enclosed in a compartment and an obnoxious or asphyxiating gas is introduced.
- The most common gas used is carbon monoxide.
Death by Gas chamber
or “mercy killing” is the deliberate and painless acceleration of death of a person usually suffering
from an incurable and distressing disease.
Types of Euthanasia
Active Euthanasia
Passive Euthanasia
It may be done with or without the consent or knowledge of the person. Active euthanasia on demand is the
putting to death of a person in compliance with the wishes of the person (patient) to shorten his sufferings.
Active Euthanasia
- There is absence of the application of the means to accelerate death but the natural course of the disease is
allowed to have its way to extinguish the life of a person.
Passive Euthanasia
Types of Passive Euthanasia
When an incurably ill person is allowed to die a natural death without the application of any operation or
treatment procedure.
When there is an attempt to extend the life span of a person by the use of extraordinary treatments without
which the patient would have died earlier.
- It is the deprivation of a regular and constant supply of food and water
Death by Starvation
Types of Starvation
Acute Starvation
Chronic Starvation