Last Minute Tests Flashcards
Define a Flow Reaction
- a chemical reaction that is run in continuous flow as opposed to a batch reaction.
- Typically performed in a channel or tube where reagents are pumped in at constant flow rate.
- The dimensions of the channels or the tubes are often less that 1 mm, thus making these microreactors.
- The reaction time in a flow reactor is determined by the residence time of the flow reactor,
Define Microfluidics
• Microfluidics is a broader term that describes also mechanical flow control devices like pumps and valves or sensors like flowmeters and viscometers.
How are nanofluidics and microfluidics compared?
- looks at fluid flow in nanochannels
- here the phenomena are different as there are considerable surface effects
How did flow chemistry develop historically?
- advances in fabrication technology
- first gas chromatogram was formed in silicon using photolithography and chemical etching techniques
- poor resolution but set the benchmark for minaturisation
What are the disadvantages of batch reactions?
- Large ( expensive due to heat and light)
- Dangerous due to large quantities of stored chemical energyy
- heat transfer is bad, causes exothermic reactions to be dangerous as heat is contained within the system
- storage is expensive and dangerous
- mass transport changes as you scale up, affecting yield, selectivity and product quality
Give the key characteristics of Flow reactions
- chemistry is largely unchanged, yield and product distribution may change due to different flow profiles/ heat exchange
- consider surface area to volume ratio effects
- good mass and heat transport
- different flow regime
- no significant interaction on a molecular level
Advantages of the microscale (13)
- Reduced sample/reagent consumption (for synthesis and analysis)
- Portability (eg. PoC diagnostics, on-site analytics)
- Greater efficiencies of heat and mass transfer
- Easier integration of technology and automation (detection systems for example) - Reduced cost (time, space, energy etc. savings)
- Improved performance (throughput, control, power consumption, improved chemical yields and selectivities)
- Less space, material, energy, shorter response times, more info./space/time,
- low costs of devices,
- integration of small functional elements, enhancing system performance
- low fluid volume consumption, because of the low internal chip volumes, which is beneficial for e.g. environmental pollution (less waste), lower costs of expensive reagents and less sample fluid is used for diagnostics.
- higher analysis and control speed of the chip and better efficiency due to short mixing times (short diffusion distances), fast heating (short distances, high wall surface to fluid volume ratios, small heat capacities).
- better process control because of a faster response of the system
- compactness of the systems, due to large integration of functionality and small volumes.
Why are linear dimensions important?
- important for temperature, concentration, density or pressure
- driving forces for heat transfer, mass transport or diffuisonal flux per unit volume or area increase when we use microreactors because the length scales (linear dimensions) are typically much smaller.
- Microreactors can handle and process small volumes and much larger number of samples.
What is a space time yield?
- Quantity of product per volume of reactor per unit of time,
- simple way of quantifying efficiency of reactors
Define Shear Stress
the stress parallel to a material surface, where the force component is perpendicular to the material surface
Define Cohesive
attractive forces between two like particles
Define Adhesive
attractive forces between two different particles
How is the viscosity of a newtonian fluid measured?
•During fluid flow, the fluid close to a wall doesn’t move as it acts as a boundary layer, but further from the wall the fluid is flowing, so a velocity gradient exists, due to adhesive, cohesive and frictional forces.
- The magnitude of the velocity gradient is known as viscosity and is characteristic of a material
- • The greater the force required to move the plate at velocity v, the greater the viscosity of the fluid
How does velocity vary when measuring viscosity?
• The stationary layer of fluid in contact with the stationary wall will inhibit the flow of the layer just above it. This layer will then inhibit the layer above and so on. Thus the velocity will vary linearly with distance above the stationary wall.
Define Turbulent flow
- Fluid flow where nearby regions flow in different directions and velocities.
- This creates eddys and vertexes.
- This flow is typical near a fluid boundary.
- No precise mathematical definition
Define Eddy
the swirling of a fluid and the reverse current created when a fluid flows past an obstacle.
Define Laminar Flow
when fluids of one layer hardly mix with fluids of another layer, characterised by parallel streams of moving fluids.
- As this flow gets faster it becomes turbulent
How does flow differ in Bulk and Flow systems?
- Fluid flow in microchannels is different from in bulk, providing a unique environment for chemical reactions
- Viscous forces dominate over inertial forces, generally resulting in laminar flow
- In bulk systems turbulent flow dominates and this has a significant effect on the mixing systems of microfluidic systems
What is a Reynolds number and how does it affect Flow?
- Mixing is defined by a Reynolds number, which is the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces for a specific flow region
- Laminar flow occurs at a low Reynolds number, where viscous forces cause a smooth and constant fluid motion
- Turbulent flow occurs at high Reynolds numbers and is dominated by inertial forces, which tend to produce chaotic eddies, vortices and other flow instabilities.
How does microscale and macro scale mixing occur?
- macroscale mixing is achieved by turbulence
- In the microscale the laminar regime means diffusion is the main cause of mixing, as defined by ficks law
What is diffusion?
- diffusion is considered to be the result of a random walk of diffusing particles
- theories of Brownian motion and Einstein’s theory of atomistic diffusion being used to explain the motion.
When is the Stokes- Einstein equation used?
- in the limit of a low Reynolds number
- used to describe the motion of spherical particles
When is Einsteins approximation equation used?
- to estimate the mean diffusion distance for a group of particles diffusing in 3 dimensions.
How can diffusion limit reactions?
- in microchannels, where there are low Re, we can expect mixing to take place only by diffusive processes
- if the diffusional distance is too far then this will be a slow process
- limitations on reactions processes that are limited by diffusion.