Last Minute Notes Flashcards
2 functional joints of shoulder
Suprahumeral and scapula thoracic
2 accessory joints of should
Costosternal and costovertebral
Position to maximize AC joint motion
60 deg horizontal abduction
60 deg coronal abduction
What type of technique is Spencer’s?
Low velocity high amplitude springing articulatory
What can Spencer’s treat/prevent?
Hypertonic muscles, early adhesive capsulitis, healed fractures and dislocations
7 steps of Spencer’s
Extension, flexion, circumduction, circumduction w traction, ab/adduction, internal rotation, traction
Technique for SC adduction dysfunction
Supine, arm down off table, internally rotate and extend. Patient flexes against reduction
ME technique for posterior radial head dysfunctions?
Take pt into full supination, have pt pronate to activate
Pronation for anterior
In reference to ulna:
Varus =
Valgus =
Nodes in the Hand
Bouchards (PIP)
Heberdens (DIP)
Ulnar deviation goes with?
Wrist adduction
Articulatory technique for wrist/carpal dysfunctions
Place carpals between interlocked hands, squeeze and make a figure 8 motion
Phalangeal dysfunction articulatory technique
Apply traction and move finger in clockwise and counter clockwise motion
Intersegmental bonus technique
Isolate MCP and put into anterior/posterior glide and rotation
Alternative articulatory squeeze technique
Using thumbs on side of dysfunction, fingers on other side of the hand
This is instead of using the near eminences on either side
Order of the Ambulatory Exam (12)
Have patient walk several steps Perform postural assessment Palpate iliolumbar ligament ROM of shoulders Check for scoliosis Standing and seated flexion tests Spinal motions (flex, extend, side bend, rotate) Acromion drop test Hip drop test Pelvic side shift test Evaluate 1st rib Straight leg raise test
Importance of iliolumbar ligament?
This is the first tender point associated with postural decompensation
What is the acromion drop test?
Divide area between neck and acromion into thirds:
Lateral 1/3: inferior force does side bending of lower thoracic
Middle 1/3: does side bending of middle thoracics
Medial 1/3: side bending of upper thoracics
Hip drop test results:
Positive test on the right (hip doesn’t drop more than 20 degrees) = side bent right, restricted to side bending left
Pelvic side shift test
Assesses fascial connection between lumbo-pelvic-hip complex
Positive straight leg test between 30-60 degrees?
What can the hip extension ME be used for?
Hypertonic hamstrings or gluteus maximus
When testing anteroposterior slide, which motions?
First pull anterior, then push posterior
Difference between treating position fibular head and anterior?
Posterior: hold fibular head between thumb and finger
Anterior: press on fibular head with thenar eminence
Which ligament tested with talar tilt test (inversion)?
Calcaneofibular ligament
Which ligament tested with talar tilt test (eversion)?
Deltoid ligament
Which parts of the navicular and cuboid bones move?
Lateral part of the navicular
Medial part of the cuboid
Both will move plantar
Expected motion for forefoot adduction or forefoot abduction?
Adduction: 20 deg
Abduction: 10 deg
Which part of the talus is more prominent in anterior lateral malleolus? Posterior?
Anterior: medial border
Posterior: lateral
Plantar navicular dysfunction is most associated with?
Posterior fibular head dysfunction
Transtarsal thrust for navicular/cuboid:
Cuboid = inversion Navicular = eversion
FABER position
Anterior knee pain is caused by?
Tight IT bands
See a positive Obers test
Internal rotator of the knee?
Biceps femoris