Last Line of Question: Literature Flashcards
Name this Thomas Pynchon work in which representatives from Tristero go to an auction to outbid Oedipa Maas during the title action
The Crying of Lot 49
Name this French play set in an indefinitely-locked Second Empire-style room, by Jean-Paul Sartre
No Exit
Name this German author of The Tin Drum
Gunter Wilhelm Grass
Name this Southern gothic author who created the serial killer The Misfit in “A Good Man is Hard to Find”
Mary Flannery O’Connor
Name this William Golding novel about English school boys stranded on an island who offer up a pig’s head to a mysterious “beast”
Lord of the Flies
Name this novel whose title character is the meddling Ms. Woodhouse, written by Jane Austen
Name this transsexual prophet of literary works set in Thebes, who also tries and fails to advise Oedipus
Name this author of The Sun Also Rises, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and The Old Man and the Sea
Ernest Hemingway
Name this novel centering on Father Jean Marie Latour’s experiences in New Mexico, which was written by Willa Cather
Death Comes for the Archbishop
Name this Chilean Poet of “Canto General” and “Twenty Love Poems and One Song of Despair”.
Pablo Neruda
Name this word, which names a collection by Michel de Montaigne and which has come to mean any short piece of writing
Name this author of The Glass Bead Game and Steppenwolf
Hermann Hesse
Name this novel by Leo Tolstoy where the title character engages in a lengthly affair with Count Vronsky before committing suicide near this work’s end
Anna Karenina
Name this poet whose “Songs of Innocence and Experiences” includes “The Tyger”
William Blake
In this play, which includes the character Xanthias, Dionysus goes on a mission to bring back Euripides from the underworld, and while crossing the River Styx, he hears the title amphibians croaking “brekekekex koax-koax.”. Name this comedy by Aristophanes.
The Frogs
Name this man who was marooned with Friday, the title castaway of a novel by Daniel DeFoe
Robinson Crusoe
Name this author of Aaron’s Rod, Sons and Lovers, and Lady Chatterley’s Lover
D.H. Lawrence
Name this man who described the demagogue Willy Starke in “All the King’s Men”
Robert Penn Warren
Name this novel about Humbert Humbert’s affair with the “nymphet” Dolores Haze, by Vladimir Nabokov
Name this poem which begins “Hail to thee, blithe spirit!”, written by Percy Shelley
To a Skylark
Identify this poet who wrote “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” “The Hollow Men,” and “The Waste Land”
T. S. Eliot
What is this work by Lebanese-born poet, Khalil Gibran, which is a collection of discussion of the human condition by Almustafa
The Prophet
Name this play whose title is a pun on the name’s similarity to a word meaning “sincere”, a work by Oscar Wilde
The Importance of Being Ernest
Name this Gothic novel subtitled “The Modern Prometheus” by its author Mary Shelley
Name this author of World According to Garp and The Cider House Rules
John Irving
Name this Japanese author of The Sea of Fertility who commited seppuku on television
Mishima Yukio
Name this Platonic dialogue that recounts the real-life trial at which Socrates was found guilty of corrupting the Athenian youth and ordered to drink hemlock in 399 BCE
The Apology of Socrates
Name this work in which Tea Cake is shot by Janie Crawford, a novel by Zora Neale Hurston
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Name this Central European country, the setting of Elie Wiesel’s “Night”.
Name this author of Voss
Patrick White
Name this Titan, the title character of an Aeschylus play in which he is bound
What author of Midnight’s Children earned a fatwa from Ayatollah Khomeini for his characterization of Muhammad in The Satanic Verses
Salman Rushdie
Name this epistolary Sturm und Drang novel about a melancholic youth artist, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The Sorrows of Young Werther
Name this poet who asked what happened to a “Dream Deferred,” a leader of the Harlem Renaissance
Langston Hughes
Including the line “The horror, the horror,” identify this frame story about Captain Marlow, a work by Joseph Conrad
Heart of Darkness
Name this Guy de Maupassant story about the titular round French prostitute
Ball of Fat
Name this wood-carrier of Prospero who tries to assault Miranda in The Tempest
Name this novel in which Arkady befriends the nihilist Bazarov by Ivan Turgenev
Fathers and Sons
Name this author of “Mending Wall,” “Stooping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” and “The Road not Taken”
Robert Frost
Name this Irish playwright of Lady Windermere’s Fan and The Importance of Being Ernest, whose only novel was The Picture of Dorian Gray
Oscar Wilde
Name this novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne which takes place in a mansion with the title features on its roof
The House of the Seven Gables
Name this British author of the poems “Gunga Din” and “If,” as well as The Jungle Book
Rudyard Kipling
Name this play by Richard Brinsley Sheridan in which Lady Teazle associates with the title gropu of rumor-mongerers
The School for Scandal
Identify this author of “Money” and “Time’s Arrow”, whose father wrote the novel Lucky Jim and was named Kingsley
Martin Louis Amis
Name this writer of “The Conservationist” and “July’s People”, the South African author of “Burger’s Daughter”
Nadine Gordimer
Name this work, addressed “to the inhabitants of space in general” and written by Edwin Abbott, which consists of A. Square’s monograph about life in a two-dimensional society.
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
The source of hte phrase “jealousy, that green-eyed monster,” name this play in which Iago hates the titular “Moor of Venice”, a work of Shakespeare
Name this English poet of dramatic monologues including “My Last Duchess”
Robert Browning
Name this “Booker of Bookers” featuring Saleem Sinai written by Salman Rushdie
Midnight’s Children
Identify this playwright of Hay Fever and Blithe Spirit
Noel Coward
Name this author who created the characters Jordan Baker, Daisy Buchanan, and Nick Carraway in The Great Gatsby
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald
Name this play in which Abbie Putnam has an affair with her husband’s son Eben Cabot, written by Eugene O’Neill
Desire Under the Elms
Give this surname shared by American playwright Maxwell and “Winesburg, Ohio” author Sherwood
Name this type of poem, examples of which include Gilgamesh, Beowulf, and Homer’s Odyseey
Epic poems
Name this love story where the titular governess falls in love with her employer, Edmund Rochester, by Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre
Name this Russian author of The Inspector General and Dead Souls
Nikolay Gogol
Name this novelist who created Milo Minderbinder, Major Major Major Major, and Yossarian in Catch-22
Joseph Heller
Identify this author who wrote a poem inspired by the Aztec calendar and an essay collection about Mexican society titled “Sunstone” and Labyrinth of Solitude respectively.
Octavio Paz Lozano
Name this final play by Anton Checkhov where at a party in this work, Lopakhin announces that he has purchased the title estate
The Cherry Orchard
Name this rascal taken inby Squire Allworthy, a foundling created by Henry Fielding
Tom Jones
Sir Thomas returns from Antigua to this work’s title location and eventually gives his blessing to the marriage between Edmund Bertram and Fanny Price. Name this novel published three years before Northanger Abbey by its author, Jane Austen.
Mansfield Park
Name this Shakespeare play set in Messina, in which Don Pedro plays matchmaker to Beatrice and Benedick
Much Ado about Nothing
Name this poetry collection by Charles Baudelaire, the preface of which addresses the reader as “Hypocrite reader, my likeness, my brother!”
The Flowers of Evil
Name this British dramatist of The Dumb Waiter and The Birthday Party
Harold Pinter
Identify this poet of To His Mistress Going to Bed and A Valedictorian: Forbidding Mourning
John Donne
Name this author who wrote about boys stranded on an island in Lord of the Flies
William Golding
Name this Russian poet of Boris Gudonov and Eugene Onegin
Alexander Pushkin
Name this novel about Oscar Matzerath, writen by Gunter Grass
The TIn Drum
Name this American author of The Crying of Lot 49 and Gravity’s Rainbow
Thomas Ruggles Pynchon, Jr.
Name this novel about a man of La Mancha by Cervantes
Don Quixote de la Mancha
Name this English writer of “Lady Chatterly’s Lover” and “Sons and Lovers”
D. H. Lawrence
Name this Colombian author of One Hundred Years of Solitude
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Identify this protagonist of J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye
Holden Caufield
Identify this African-American author who wrote about Bigger Thomas in Native Son
Richard Wright
Name this epistolary novel by Alice Walker that develops through a series of letters written to God by the protagonist, Celie.
The Color Purple
Name this author of The Kingdom of this World and An Explosion in the Cathedral, a Cuban
Alejo Carpentier
Name this home of Gerard de Nerval, Stephane Mallarme, and Arthur Rimbaud
Name this author of “The Portrait of a Lady,” “The Turn of the Screw,” and “Daisy Miller.”
Henry James
Name this author of A Dictionary of the English Language
Samuel Johnson
Name this novel by Emily Bronte featuring Heathcliff, an orphan who for a time owns the title estate
Wuthering Heights
Set in an Oregon mental hospital, name this novel about Randle Patrick McMurphy’s rebellion against Nurse Ratched, written by Ken Kesey
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Name this character who wears a black veil in a story by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The minister (Reverend Hooper)
Name this poem, whose title refers to “a darkling plain where ignorant armies clash by night,” by Matthew Arnold
Dover Beach
Featuring a tour of Paradise, Purgatory, and the Inferno, name this work by Dante Alighieri
The Divine Comedy
Santiago is the title figure of what novel, which won the 1953 Pulitzer for Fiction for Ernest Hemingway
The Old Man and the Sea
Name this spiritual youngest brother of Smerdyakov, Dimitri, and Ivan in Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov
Alyosha Karamazov
Name this author of Winesburg, Ohio
Sherwood Anderson
Name this Greek lyric poet of victory odes for athletes in contests such as the Olympic games
Name this novel about the matchmaking antics of the titular Miss Woodhouse, a work by Jane Austen
Julian Sorel is the protagonist of what novel by Stendhal
The Red and the Black
Name this author of “Temple of the Golden Pavillion” and “Confessions of a Mask”
Yukio Mishima
Name this author of Anthills of the Savannah, No Longer at Ease, and Things Fall Apart
Chinua Achebe
Name this work that concludes with the swallowing of arsenic by the title character Emma, a creation of Gustave Flaubert
Madame Bovary
Name this novel about Frederic Henry written by Ernest Hemingway
A Farewell to Arms
In addition to The Lesson and The Chairs, name this Absurdist Romanian playwright of The Bald Soprano
Eugene Ionesco
Name this author of “Ward Number Six,” “The Lady with the Lapdog,” and “Gooseberries,” who also wrote plays like The Cherry Orchard
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Name this character who is visited by some time-specific ghosts in Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol.
Ebenezer Scrooge
Name this early African American poet published in the book Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral; she also described her own situation in “On being brought from Africa to America”
Phillis Wheatley
Name this work, about twenty-four hours of the title character’s experiences in a gulag, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Name this novel by Eudora Welty about the marriage of Troy Flavin and Dabney Fairchild
Delta Wedding
Name this Nathaniel Hawthorne novel whose protagonist is Hester Prynne
The Scarlet Letter
Name this twice-exiled “poet of the Caucasus” who wrote the novel “A Hero of Our Time”
Mikhail Lermontov
Name this style of Greek drama contrasted with comedy
Greek tragedy
Name this home country of Witold Gombrowicz, Joseph Conrad, and Henryk Sienkiewicz
Name this English writer of An Ideal Husband, Lady Windermere’s Fan, and the Importance of Being Ernest
Oscar WIlde
Name this author who created Kristin Lavransdatter, a Norwegian Nobel laureate
Sigrid Undset
Name this work in which characters like the Manciple, Nun’s Priest, Miller, and Knight tell stories while on a pilgrimage, a work of Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales
Name this Shakespeare history play in which the title monarch opens, “Now is the winter of our discontent / made glorious summer by the son of York.”
Richard III
Name this British poet whose collections Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience contain “The Lamb” and “The Tyger”
William Blake
This collection contains a poem that repeatedly addresses a woman as “like the sea, like time,” as “lost discoverer,” and recalls that “in you everything sank!” Written by the author of Spain in our Hearts and Canto General, this is what poetry collection by Pablo Neruda?
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair
Name this German poet of the Duino Elegies
Rainer Maria Rilke
Name this author of Steppenwolf and Siddhartha
Hermann Hesse
Name this novel about Paul Baumer’s service in World War I, a work of Erich Maria Remarque
All Quiet on the Western Front
Name this Hemingway novel in which Robert Jordan blows up a bridge in Spain
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Name this novel by Sinclair Lewis where the protagonist decides to marry Will, a doctor, though she finds that her descriptions of Gopher Prairie fall short of her expectations
Main Street
Name this rascal taken in by Squire Allworthy, a foundling created by Henry Fielding
Tom Jones
Name this phenomenon, which Ernest Hemingway found atop Mount Kilimanjaro
Name this tale, based on the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, that centeres on the titular paladin of Charlemagne, the oldest significant surviving work of French literature.
The Song of Roland
Name this poetic form consisting of seventeen sounds until broken into three lines of five, seven, and five syllables
The author of “The Secret Sharer”, Nostromo, and Lord Jim, name this author who wrote about Marlow narrating the downfall of Kurtz in Heart of Darkness
Joseph Conrad
George Antrobus is a character in what play that features ice ages and puppots to tell the history of humans written by Thorton Wilder?
The Skin of Our Teeth
Name this poem about a city in Illinois, written by Carl Sandburg
Name this British author of “Oliver Twist” who wrote about Ebenezer Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol”
Charles Dickens
Name this British poet of “The Charge of the Light Brigade”
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Name this Southern gothic author who created the serial killer The Misfit in “A Good Man is Hard to Find”
Mary Flannery O’Connor
Name this author who created Dr. Primrose and Kate Hardcastle in The Vicar of Wakefield and She Stoops to Conquer
Oliver Goldsmith
Name this author of The Mayor of Casterbridge and Tess of the d’Urbervilles
Thomas Hardy
Name this mock epic about the Baron’s theft of Belinda’s hair, written by Alexander Pope
The Rape of the Lock
Name this author of Maggie: A Girl of The Streets and The Red Badge of Courage
Stephen Crane
Name this novel narrated by Ishmael in which Captain Ahab chases a white whale
Name this novel about a woman who shacks up with Count Vronsky and throws herself in front of a train, written by Leo Tolstoy
Anna Karenina
Name this creator of Edna Pontellier and the author of The Awakening
Kate Chopin
Name this American author of “An Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge” and “The Devil’s Dictionary”
Ambrose Bierce
Identify this novel about an animal that is three-quarters wolf and one-quarter dog, the companion novel to The Call of the Wild written by Jack London
White Fang
Identify this country, the setting of Pedro Juan Gutierrez’s trilogy “Dirty Havana”
Identify this reculsive poet who wrote “I heard a Fly buzz–when I died” and “Because I could not stop for Death”
Emily Dickinson