last duchess Flashcards
“then all smiles stopped together”- euphemism
shows the power he has over her, as her death has no consequences. Shows a materialistic view of love as it easily be thrown away
“none puts by the curtain I have drawn for you but I” symbolism of his wife as a painting shows his objectification showing love is something that can be controlled
constant use of the possesive pronoun “my” shows the ownership he has for her but also hints at the love he has for her and his regret for killing her.
Use of emjambment for example “perhaps Fra Pandolf”. Shows his weakness and his unbalance, but also shows an obsession
parenthesis and dashes at the end of the line “how shall I say?-“ perhaps implie that he is overwhelmed
there is a dramatic monalogue throughout showing his domineering presence but also to show browing’s view on the inequality of love
husband of elizibeth barret browning both exchange ideas, they bring an unconventional view of love
at the time the “marriage market” was topical, shown in the poem, emphasises a materialistic view of love.
partriachy during this time in society, men had social mobility.
Belle dame sen merci