Last 3 Lectures Flashcards
What is Strategy?
Strategy summarizes how to achieve the objectives and guides all the subsequent detailed tactical decisions.
Is Strategy should exploit distinctive competitive advantage ?
Yes, Strategy should also exploit distinctive competitive advantage.
What is the importance of digital marketing strategy?
helps it all to fit together and avoids ad hoc tactical patchworks which usually, in the end, cause more complications.
establishing an integrated database between your web site and all other communications points.
moving into marketing automation
using new social media channels to connect with their target market.
What is the importance of customer lifetime value in digital marketing strategy?
It encourages long-term strategic thinking and influences decision-making in strategy development.
What would Experimented strategist do ideally ?
thinking purely about how to achieve the objectives with the resources available (and in the context of competitor strategies – both existing and potential).
What happens after having several strategies options?
Having generated several strategic options, the best strategy is carefully chosen and this then eventually cascades down into the tactical details.
Is it important to plan the strategy around a life time customer?
How does the debate around digital complementing or replacing other forms of marketing affect strategy?
It guides the allocation of resources and decision-making on whether to enhance existing channels or prioritize digital ones.
what is the complementing and what is the replacing ?
Complementing: This means using digital marketing alongside traditional marketing methods. For example, a business might have ads in a newspaper (traditional) and also promote their products on social media (digital). Both methods work together to reach more customers.
Replacing: This is when a business decides to use digital marketing instead of traditional methods. For instance, a company might stop using billboards or TV ads and focus entirely on online ads, social media, and email campaigns.
What are the key factors to consider when replacing?
replacement is most likely to happen when:
1. Customer access to the Internet is high
2. The Internet can offer a better value proposition than other media (i.e. propensity to purchase online is high)
3. The product can be delivered over the Internet (it can be argued that this is not essential)
4. The product can be standardized (the user does not usually need to view to purchase).
- If at least two of these conditions are met, there may be a replacement effect.
Should we use all the TOPP SITE the key component of strategy ? and should it have the same order?
You do not have to use all nine key components in your digital marketing strategy. But do, at least, consider each of them.
doesn’t have to use the same order
What are the key component of strategy TOPP SITE?
Target Markets
Tactical tools
What does the ‘Target Markets’ component in TOPPP SITE involve in digital marketing?
It involves clear definition and understanding of ideal targets using various filters.
Explain the ‘Objectives’ component in TOPPP SITE for digital marketing.
Objectives summarize the goals the strategy should achieve, guiding the overall direction.
worth double checking that your strategy actually delivers the ‘big’ objectives (Mission and Vision) as well as the typical sales, market share and ROI KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).
Describe the role of ‘Positioning’ in a digital marketing strategy.
Positioning defines how a brand wants to be perceived by its target customers, influencing brand propositions and customer experience.
The OVP and CX also influence the marketing mix (tactical decisions)
How do ‘Processes’ contribute to digital marketing strategy?
Processes can involve new approaches like marketing automation or developing a Beta testing culture,
Describe ‘Partnership’ in the TOPPP SITE framework.
Partnership includes forming strategic alliances and marketing marriages to simplify and enhance marketing efforts.
Are there potential partners out there whose customers would welcome your organization’s products or services?
What does ‘Sequence’ refer to in the TOPPP SITE framework?
Sequence involves stages like developing credibility before raising visibility, then building awareness, brand preference, and seeking sales.
Define ‘Integration’ in the TOPPP SITE framework.
Integration refers to combining customer data from various sources
Layer it with external data from third party databases.
What is CRM?
CRM (Customer relationship management)