Laser Therapy Flashcards
First time treating Asian skin, skin type:
Skin Type V
Clean laser with
Alcohol or sani wipe
Only clean screen with
Never get BBL filters
BBL does
Correct damaged skin, maintain healthy skin, delay aging. Healthier, smoother, brighter
Optimal # of BBL treatments
1 every 3 months
Never treat over
Suspicious lesion, skin cancer or mole
What wavelength is appropriate for patients with darker skin
Lower and longer=
More conservative
Higher and shorter=
More aggressive
Spot size finesse adaptors
Requires high fluence for same effect
BBL corrective how many passes
BBL corrective. Skin Type I-II light solar damage
High energy, shorter time, higher temp. 12-14/10/20-25
BBL corrective. Skin Type I-II with heavy solar damage
Lower energy, longer time, lower temp. 8-9/15-20/15-20
BBL Corrective skin type III-IV
Only use sciton protocols and use 590 or 640 filters
Body pigment treatment schedule
3-5 sessions. 3-4 weeks apart. Every 3-6 months for maintenance. Can increase joules by 1-2 for follow up treatments.
Max joules for BBL pigment correction skin types I-III
14 joules
End points for BBL corrective pigment
Mild redness, erythema. Pigment should get darker. Takes about 72 hours for final end points.
Stubborn pigment lesions
Choose finesse adaptors that match size. 515. 12-15/5-10/23-25
BBL Corrective vascular on face, skin types I-II
- Sciton protocols or. 10-12/10-20/20-25
You may treat a vessel how many passes
Up to 3. If you don’t reach endpoint. Stop and treat at next visit.
Body vascular BBL settings
Use 1-2j lower, 5-10s longer
Body vascular BBL treatment schedule
3-6 sessions, 3-4 weeks apart, 3-6 months maintenance
Broken capillaries/cherry angioma treatments
Select finesse adaptor that matches size. 560 or 590. Sciton protocols or 15-20/15-35/20.
Broken capillaries/cherry angioma endpoints
Uniform erythema, absence of vessel, blurry margins, and/or color changes
Red/depressed/hypertrophic scars
Finesse adaptor that matches the size. 2 passes. Sciton protocols or 560 15/15/15
Finesse adaptor that matches the size. 560 or 590. Use sciton protocols or 10-15/15-50. Can pulse up to 3 times. Denser the bruise the longer/deeper wavelength needed. Lower fluence and longer pulse times.
Bruising treatment schedule
Undereye circle treatment schedule
Series of treatments for best results then quarterly maintenance
Undereye circles
If it’s pigment: 515 and treat like a pigmented lesion. 560 or 590 if vasular, sciton protocols or 20/20/20. 2 passes
515 filter in forever young takes care of
560 filter in forever young takes care of
Pigment and vascular
590 filter in forever young takes care of
Forever young, small resistant targets
Higher power. Shorter time. Warmer temp. Aka light solar damage
Forever young. Large receptive targets
Lower power/longer time/cooler temp. Aka someone with heavy solar damage
First two passes of Forever Young
All about dumping light
Third pass of Forever Young
Efficacy pass, providing more power. You can also do one pass of each filter, 515 and 560, with the third pass as spot treatment.
Process of Forever Young BBL
2 mild passes, finesse adaptors prn (increase 1-2)
Efficacy pass, full face of spot, this spot can be skipped when their skin treatment becomes more maintenance
1-2 pulse spot treat with finesse adaptors (pigment, veins, wrinkles)
5th step undereye circles with small finesse adaptors, only if needed and if pt. is comfortable
Endpoints of Forever Young
Darkening and scattering of pigmented lesions, erythema of surrounding skin, possible edema, slight tingling
Post treatment BBL, normal
Erythema for several hours. Cool compress or ice packs as needed. If blistering, aggressive wound healing measurings.
Ideal FYBBL treatment schedule
3-4 weeks apart. 3-5 treatments.
Forever clear wavelengths
420 wavelength. Shorter wavelength=more absorption superficial into the skin.
Skincare routine prior to forever clear
Recommend a good skin care regimen before and after treatments. Elta MD enzyme cleanser and acne line is great.
Process of forever clear
- 420 for 4 passess. Use basic machine settings. **On sensitive patients and those with severe acnes, the use of the small adaptors focused on individual lesions may help minimize discomfort.
- 560 (I-III) 590 (IV) 640 (V) for 2-3 passes over acne lesions of scars. Use machine settings. Large circle or square finesse adaptor.
- 590 (I-IV) 800 (V) 10-20 passes per zone, use machine settings. Use contact motion over active or potentially active areas.
Ideal treatment schedule for forever clear
6-8+ sessions, 1-2 weeks apart. Maintenace every 3-6 months.
Forever clear endpoints
No definitive endpoints, treatment goal is to pack the skin with light, patients may feel a skin tingling sensation. If treated area gets warm, pause treatment until area cools down.
Post treatment forever clear
Possible slight erythema, cool compresses or ice packs though rarely needed. If blistering occurs, aggressive wound healing measures should be implemented.
Forever bare wavelength
640-695 wavelength
Forever bare and active tan
Static vs in motion forever bare
Static yields better results. Motion for larger.
Temperature for Forever Bare
Never hurts to go colder with hair
Pre treatment for forever bare
Client needs to shave 1-3 days prior. Make sure treatment area is clean. Lint roller to remove hair as necessary. Toner or alcohol to thoroughly clean.
Ultrasound gel for forever bare.
2-3mm clear ultrasound gel.
Settings for forever bare
Skin type I-III static OR motion. Skin type IV-V, motion only.
650 or 695 filter.
Joules 12-20.
Msec 10-30. The darker the hair the longer the pulse width.
Cooling 10-15. Higher density of hair, use cooler temp.
Temperatures depending on thickness of hair
5 degrees (course) 10 degrees (medium) 15 degrees (fine)
Endpoints forever bare
Smell of success, perifollicular edema, follicular rupture. If you reach endpoints, continue treating with those parameters. If you DON’T, then try increasing by 1-2 joules.
Hair exfoliation from forever bare
Takes 7-14 days, can appear to be “growing” at this time
Post treatment forever bare
Immediately clean with cold towel or gauze. Wipe with toner. If treating face apply sunscreen.
Following treatments for forever bare
Each time the client comes in the settings will likely change as the hair becomes less dense, coarse and lighter in color. Joules will increase by 1-2 and pulse duration will get shorter by 5msec.
During forever bare, sapphire chill plate…
Wipe often with alcohol wipe
Average treatments for forever bare
6-8 treatments Small areas 4-6 weeks apart Large areas 6-8 weeks apart If after 4 treatments client has little to no regrowth, extend treatments by 4-6 weeks (8-12 weeks apart) Maintenance every 4-6 months
Forever bare in motion
Smoothie finesse adaptor
Apply gel
Always stay in motion while light in flashing. Think zamboni not vacuum.
Endpoints for in motion forever bare
Goal is same endpoints as static, but may not look as dramatic
Tell client to use the word STOP if hot spots or need a break.
Try to reach max joules per treatment zone for best results
Post treatment forever bare in motion
Wipe with cold towel, lotion as needed
Should feel like a mild sunburn.
Forever bare static treatment
Kiss static pulses right next to each other, 10-20% overlap is ok, but not needed.
1-3 passes over area being treated, or use spot size attachments.
Follow sciton protocol for correct settings.
Profractional combined with other treatments
Can do hair reduction or collagen treatment BEFORE profractional, not after
Injectables with profractional
Would have to check with manufacturer
Profractional for all skin types:
Great for enlarged pores, texture, scarring, pigment and wrinkles
Profractional treatment schedule
Every 2-6 weeks, depending upon depth.
Single spot every 4-8 weeks
Prior to profractional
Mild cleanser should be used beforehand, then wipe with alcohol or toner.
Ensure numbing is wiped off before, and cleansed with alcohol or toner.
Turn buffalo filter ON.
Handpiece always held perpendicular to skin
Epidermal lesions profractional
2mm or 4mm spot, 10 microns, and repetition of 1-5 hertz until pinpoint bleeding
Forehead profractional
Thinner skin, so recommended to use more conservative depth and treatment % settings
Acne scars profractional
2mm-4mm spot, 10-20 microns, and 1-5 hertz
Trace the outer margins
Goal is to smooth the ridges to blend the valleys.
Desired endpoint is pinpoint bleeding
Want the grids to meet without excessive overlap and without gaps
Profractional goal
Erythema after a few minutes, some pinpoint bleeding.
Redness similar to bleeding is normal
Redness can last 12-48 hours
Healing time profractional
Longer the deeper the ablation depth, the greater the treatment area % and with the addition of COAG
Treating scars profractional
3-6 sessions depending on results
- Numb for 10 minutes
- Cleanse
- BBL as needed for redness/pigment in scar
- Profractional- start at 75 micron @ 11% density with first treatment, blend if needed at 50 microns and 11%
- Vaseline/bacitracin/aquaphor. Use immediately post, and recommend they use it at home. Wash gently. Itching is normal, benadryl is great.
- Cover with dressing immediately post, keep covered first 24 hours.
Consecutive profractional treatments
You can increase/decrease your ablation and/or density as you see fit. Up to 200/300 microns and 22%.
With old scars you can treat with more ablation (150 microns)
Schedule next treatment for 4-6 weeks.