larynx and trachea Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
امتداد الحنجرة ؟
من الفقرة العنقية 3 الي 6
من جذر اللسان لغاية القصبة الهوائية
عبارة عن غضاريف مربوطة بأربطة و مفاصل و مطلية بغشاء مخاطي
حدد موقع الحنجرة لما حولها؟
امامها infrahypioid muscles , deep fascia superficial fascia platysma and skin خلفها بداية المرئ و البلعوم الحنجري يمينها وشمالها carotid sheath and thryroid gland
the oblique line of the thyroid lamina insertion of >
2 hyoid 1 constrcitor
inferior constrictor
the posterior border of thyroid lamina repestnrs insertion of
pharynx muscles
salpingo stylo palato (pharyngeus )
circoid cartilage feat
has narrow antreior arch
broad post lamina
singet ring
between tongue and hyoid
it has broad upper end
and narrow lower end attached to thyroid by thyroepiglottic ligament
Aretnoid cartilage
has 2 processes
vocal for vocal ligament
apex with conriculate
base with circoid
Extirinsic ligametns and membranes of larynx ?
Thyrohyuoid membrane
Cricotracheal ligament
Glosso epiglottic ligament
lower border of quadrangular membrane form ? while vocal ligament is formed by?
the vestibular ligament
lateral border of ciricothyroid cartilage
laryngeal cavity is divided by> into
Vocal and vestibular ligaments into
ventricle sinus
Boundaries of the laryngeal inlet?
anterior Epiglottis
Post mucosa lining the arytenoid
lateral ary epiglottic folds
Rima glottids ?
it the the space between the two vocal folds and the arytenoids posteriorly
arytenoids and fibroelstic membranes control >?
The rima gottids and rima vestibule
extirinsic muscles of larynx?
inferior constrictor
intirinsic muscles?
they lies internally excpet ciricothyroid
they develop from the 6th arch except cicirothyroid 4th arch
Posterior lateral
oblique transverse
thyro arutrnoid
Thyro ary epiglottic
ciricothyroid action
stretch and tense and lengthen the vocal folds
relax vocal cords
abduct voal cord ?
posterior ciricoarytenioid
adduct vocal cords?
transverse arytenoid
lateral ciricoarytenoid
بتحب الراحة
توسع فتحة الحنجرة
وتريح الاحبال الصوتية
intra-arytenoid muscles cause?
Close the laryngeal inlet
nerve supply of laryngeal muscles excpet ?
All By the recurrent laryngeal nerve of vagus
except the ciricothyroid 4th arch by the
external laryngeal of superior laryngeal of vagus
joint of Larynx are? mention
Synovial joints
Ciricothyroid between the inferior horn of thyroid and the side of circoid cartilage
ciricoarytenoid between the upper border of circoid lamina and thebase of arytenoid
supplies of larynx !
above vocal cord
superior laryngeal artery of superior thyroid
internal laryngel nerve
upper deep cervical LNS
Below vocal cord:
Inferior laryngeal art of inferior thyroid art
Recuurent laryngeal nerve
lower deep cervical LNS And some pre laryngeal LNS
Extension of trachea
from C6 TO T4 CARINA level of sternal angle
may descend to T6 in deep inspiration
Relatin of cervial ttachea ?
Thyroid ishmus
sternohyoid sternothyroid
inferooir thyroid vein
posterior ; recurrent laryngel nerve,espohauges
on either side Thyroid lobe
Braciocephalic on the right side
Relations of the thoracic part of trachea ?
Anteriorly :
deep cardiac pleux, Bifurcational LNs ,
arch of aorta brachiocepahlic left common carotid
Inferior thyroid veins and Left brachiocephalic vein
sterohyoid sternothyroid origins
Remenant of Thymus
maniburm sterni
posteriorly Esophaus
left side:
arch of aorta left commoncaroitd and sublcaivan
left reuccrent laryngeal nerve
right side : Right vagus arch of Azygous Rigth braciocepalicand SVC PLUREA RIGH LUNG
in thoracic trachea
Anteriorly :
deep cardiac pleux, Bifurcational LNs ,
arch of aorta brachiocepahlic left common carotid
Inferior thyroid veins and Left brachiocephalic vein
sterohyoid sternothyroid origins
Remenant of Thymus
maniburm sterni
in thoracic trachea
right side :
Right vagus
arch of Azygous
Rigth braciocepalicand SVC
Blood supply to the trachea ?
Inferior thyroid artery and Bronchial artery
left brachocephalic veins
Nerve supply to trachea and Lymph drainage ?
para: vagi and reucrrent laryngeals
symp: symp trunl
pre and para tracheal LNS “?
it is wider and in line with trachea