Larvae Of Cestodes Flashcards
Mention intermediate hosts of spirimetra
1st: cyclops
2nd: frogs, snaked, birds, mammals, man occasionally containing larva called Sparganum mansoni, man acts as blind end host
Enumerate modes of infection of Sparganum
- Drinking water containing cyclops infected with procercoid larva
- Eating raw or undercooked frogs or birds containing Sparganum which migrates from the frogs or birds’ tissues through intestinal mucosa to various organs
- Applying the infected flesh of frogs & snaked as poultices to inflamed tissue as skin or eye. Sparganum will migrate to hot inflammed tissue. Common in China
In cerebral sparganosis, …….is generally involved esp….. & in some cases extend to…..
Cerebral hemispheres
Fronto-parietal lobes
Mention definitive diagnostic method of sparganosis
Is achieved by biopsy & removal of the swelling which can be identified as Sparganum larva from its morphology
Describe treatment of Sparganosis
Surgical removal of nodule containing Sparganum
Describe preventive measure against Sparganum
- Destruction of cyclops by boiling/filtering water
- Stopping the use of raw frogs aa poultices
- Proper cooking of frogs & birds meat
Describe mode of infection of Cysticercosis
Ingestion of T.solium eggs by:
1. Heteroinfection: in food/drink contaminated by stool of infected person
2. Autoinfection: external (hand to mouth) or internal (by reverse peristalsis some detached segments migrate to stomach & free eggs which penetrate intestinal mucosa to various tissues)
The most common presentation of neurocysticercosis is……
Describe CSF finding of neurocysticercosis
High eosinophils, elevated protein & normal/low glucose
Describe role of imaging in diagnosis of neurocysticercosis
Presence of cystic lesion demonsatrating the scolex in CT & MRI is pathognomonic
Scolex appearns as a bright nodule within a cyst producing the “hole-with-dot” appearance
Mention serological tests of neurocysticercosis
ELISA & Immunoblot (on serum/CSF)
Describe treatment of cysticercosis
- Albendazole for 8 days very effective against active brain cyst OR
- Praziquantel for 15 days
- Steroids
- AE
- Surgical removal especially for cisternal, orbital & ventricular cysts
Describe prevention of cysticercosis
- Early detection & treatment of patients harbouring adult taenia soilum
- Environmental sanitation
- Personal hygeine
- Protection of food/drink against contamination
CT & MRI of CNS toxoplasmosis shwos…….
Single/multiple ring-enhancing lesions
CSF analysis of toxoplasmosis shows………
Mild lymphocytic pleocytosis, high protein, normal/low glucose
Treatment of toxoplasmosis
Pyrimethamine+sulfadiaIne+floinic acid for life or until immune reconstitution
Signs of severe congenital infection are……
Signs that may develop later in asymptoamtic children are…..
Microcephaly or hydrocephalus, intraceberal calcification, chorioretinitis
Learning disabilities, mental retardation or seizures, chorioretinitis later in life
…….are important markers of infection of newborn
IgM & IgA
Describe effect if large subdural empyema
Mass effect, also causes thrombophlebitis in bridging veins that cross the subdural space resulting in venous occlusion & infarction of brain.
Describe gross & micro picture of bacterial meningitis
G, a suppurative exudate is evident in leptomeninges over the surface of the brain, meningeal vessels are engorged & prominent, CSF is mixed with pus.
M, meningeal vessels are congested & dilated, subarachnoid space is filled with fibrin, neutrophils, pus cells & histiocytes.
Describe effects & complications of bacterial meningitis
Local: inc ICT, meningeal fibrosis may obstruct foramina of Lushcka & Magendie leading to hydrocephalus in children, encephalitis, thrombosis of blood vessels
General: septicemia leads to IE or acute adrenal insufficiency “Waterhouse Friedrichsen syndrome”
Chronic tuberculous meningitis is a cause of ……leading to…..
arachnoid fibrosis
Mention causes of brain abscess
- Direct traumatic implantation
- Local extension (mastoiditis, otitis media)
- Hematogenous spread (ABE, suppurative lung disease via vertebral system of veins)
Describe morphology of brain abscess
Acute abscess: irregular area of liquefactive necrosis surrounded by zone of congestion
Chronic abscess: has a smooth fibrous tissue capsule surrounded by zo of reaction gliosis
Ring enhacing lesions in CT/MRI
Abscess rupture may lead to…….
Ventriculitis, meningitis, venous sinus thrombosis
Mention characteristic histological features of viral encephalitis
Perivascular, parenchymal mononuclear cell infiltrates, microglial nodules & neuronophagia
Mention patterns of brain injury by HIV
HIV-1 aseptic meningitis
HIV-1 meningoencephalitis (AIDS dementia)
Vacuolar myelopathy
JC virus is a……., infects………resulting in……
Oligodendrocytes & astrocytes
In HSV-1 infection neirond contain……
Cowdry type A IB