Larkin AO5 Flashcards
Saddest heart in
the post war supermarket
Eric homberger
Here, TWW, 1914, Ambulances, Sunny Prestatyn, Arundel Tomb
His writing is driven
by a sense of failure
Andrew swarbrick
Mr bleaney, love songs, faith healing, toad revisited, selfs the man, dockery and son, essential beauty, send no money, talking in bed
Larkin presents himself as a
Sceptical less deceived observer of contemporary life
James Naremore
An arundel tomb, essential beauty, dockery and son, tww, sunny Prestatyn, the large cool store, selfs the msn, here, love songs in age, faith healing
Larkin’s interest in images is drawn from advertising because they reoreeeng
Society’s collective desires and aspirations
Andrew Swarbrick
Here, the large cool store, essential beauty, sunny Prestatyn,
Larkin is a hopeless and
inflexible pessimist
Bryan Appleyard
Mr bleaney, love songs, toads revisited, faith healing, ambulances, selfs the man, sunny Prestatyn, arundel tomb, send no money, talkin inbed
Defeated by time and
His own inadequacies
Send no money, Mr bleaney, selfs the man, dockery and son,
Larkin is a
easy misogynist
Love songs in age, faith healing,sunny Prestatyn, the large cool store,
Larkin’s atheism was
unflinching, courageous
Ambulances, Faith healing, water
Larkin’s main fear was that if he got married
He would end up imitating his psrents misery
Andrew motion
Mr bleaney, selfs the man, dockery and son, send no money, arundel tomb, talking in bed
His poems depict a thought process
that attempts to reach a conclusion
Here, Mr Bleaney, Faith Healing, the whitsun weddings, dockery and son, send no money , selfs the man
Had great love for
His country and his culture
Leo cox
Here, 1914, Toads revisited
Often seems to rise to
A higher plane - to go elsewhere
Here, For Sidney bechet,reference back, ambulances,
Here, Mr Bleaney, Love songs in age, faith healing, water, ambulances, sunny Prestatyn, Arundel tomb
Work offers a distinctive flavour
Of post war England
Sunny Prestatyn, Naturally the foundation, Toads revisited, 1914, essential beauty, large cool store
An advocate for misanthropy
And pessimism
Brian appleyard
Here, Naturally the foundation,
Larkin seldomly presents himself as
anything but an onlooker
James naremore
Spiritual desolation of a a world where men
have shed last rags of religious faith