larkin Flashcards
We are all…
made in the image of God.
Who is our model?
What was the purpose of God becoming human
To show us a model of how too live and the willingness to follow gods will and to love all people especially the poor
example of humble service
gives us a model for relationship with god
Jesus chose to live and die in material poverty
Gift of intellect
- able to reason through right and wrong
- conscience needs to develop
- truth two types universal and partial
Stewards of creation
The earth as gift from god
- take care of the earth for ourselves and for future generations
- goods of the earth intended for all
Fundamental option
all things being equal humans will choose good
For us to be redeemed we need to
follow Gods desire
We are all sinners
and need to be restored by grace
Humans are..
combination of mortal body and immortal soul
Analogy of god in us
God is the painter in the work of art in the same way that he is in us
Why are we sinners
We are all inherently sinners as a result of adam and eve. Jesus restored to us the opportunity to redeem ourselves and gain salvationoud
Women and men were..
created by god to compliment eachother
Men and women are
equal at soul, each with own strengths and weaknesses
Gender discussion in class
Think of same life but different gender
men and women were…
created primarily for but not exclusively for procreation
Life is…
a sacred gift from god needed to be granted respect to all forms of it
the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
Gospels are the…
Central place in all scripture
Most christian theology is derived from
the gospels
Three stages of Gospel:
Life of Jesus
Oral traditions
Written gospels
How many gospels
What are they?
Mark, Luke, Matthew and John (chronological order)
Synoptic Gospels
Mark, Luke, Matthew
Q source
Luke and matthew prob used mark and the Q source when compiling their gospels
Written for Jewish Christians Used Mark and Q source Jesus as teacher conflict with Jewish leaders know Pharisees, Sadduccees, Scribes Salvation for all
Written by friend of peter
first gospel
theme of suffering, ours, Jesus as suffering servant
Low christology (focused on human side of jesus)
Messianic secret
Written by associate of Paul
theme of compassion, Jesus as compassionate healer
Jesus was baptized in
The Jordan River
What group widely practiced baptism
With the practice of baptism it lends credibility
to the fact that John the Baptist and even Jesus may have spent time with the Essenes
What were the Essenes looking for
Waiting for Messiah to drive out the romans and purify the jews
priestly aristocracy in jewish community and ran the temple in jerusalem with all its privileges
Interpreters and enforcers of the law… closer to the everyday Jew