Large Data Set Summary Flashcards
What are the 2 time periods
May to October 1987
May to October 2015
What are the average hourly temperature readings between for daily mean air temperature
0900 - 0900 GMT
What is the large data set
Data consisting of samples on the weather for 8 locations over 2 different time periods
What are the 5 UK locations
Leuchars, Leeming, Camborne, Heathrow and Hurn
What are the 3 international locations
Beijing, Perth and Jacksonville
What are the units for daily mean (air) temperature
Celsius given to 1dp
What are the units for daily total rainfall
mm to 1dp
How long is daily total rainfall measured for
24 hours starting at 0900 GMT
What is tr
Rainfall less than 0.05mm
What units is daily total sunshine measured in
hrs to 1dp
What is daily maximum relative humidity given as
% to nearest integer
What classes as mist and fog
Reading above 95% for daily maximum relative humidity
What are the units for daily mean windspeed
knots (kn) to nearest integer
How is daily mean windspeed described
Using Beaufort conversion (calm, light…)
What are the units for wind direction
Degrees rounded to nearest 10 and is given as a cardinal direction (north, south…)
How is daily mean windspeed and direction averaged
24 hours starting at 0000 GMT
What are the units for daily maximum wind gust
kn to nearest integer
What is maximum gust
Maximum instantaneous speed over the 24 hours
What are the units for cloud cover
Oktas (eighths of the sky covered by clouds)
What are the units for daily mean visibility
Decametres (Dm) horizontally
What are the units for daily mean pressure
Hectopascals (hPa)
What is unknown for the first half of May 1987 for the UK cities
Daily total sunshine, mean windspeed and maximum gust
What is unknown data listed as
n/a or -
What should be done before samples are taken
Data should be cleaned
What do the international cities only contain data for
Daily mean temperature, daily total rainfall, daily mean pressure and daily mean windspeed