Large data set Flashcards
What are the five UK weather stations?
Camborne Heathrow Hurn Leeming Leuchars
What are the overseas weather stations?
What are the time periods given
May-october 1987
May-october 2015
Where is Jacksonville
North east of Floria in USA. Close to the sea.
Northern hemisphere.
Where is Beijing
North east of China
Where is leuchars
Where is Perth
Southern hemisphere in australia
Where is leeming
What is daily maximum temperature measured in
Degrees Celsius
What does n/a mean
That the reading is not available
Where is heathrow
What does a negative value indicate
Temperatures less than 0
What is total daily rainfall measure in
Where is hurn
What does tr stand for
Trace of rain
When total amount of rainfall is less than 0.05mm
Where is camborne
What are the LDS 11 variables
Daily mean temperature Daily total rainfall Daily total sunshine Daily maximum relative humidity Daily mean windspeed Daily maximum gust Daily mean wind direction Daily maximum gust direction Cloud cover Visibility Pressure
How is daily total sunshine measures
Measured in hours to one decimal place
For daily total sunshine what does 4.5 mean
4.5 hours
4 hours 30 minutes
What is relative humidity
A measure of the saturation of water vapour in the atmosphere. Higher relative humidities indicates that the air contains more water vapour
How are the values given for daily max relative humidity
As a percentage
What does it mean if a value is above 95% for relative humidity
Associated with mist and fog
How is pressure recorded
hectopascal (hPa) = 100 pascals
Pressure in meteorology is bar
1 bar =1000 millibars = 1 hectopascal
What does it mean if relative humidity is 100%
The air is fully saturated and condensation occurs
How is visibility measured and with what units
Measured horizontally, units are metres
N/A represented by /
How is daily mean wind speed measured
In knots
What is one knot in miles per hour
1.15 miles per hour
What is cloud cover
This is a measure of the fraction of the celestial dome covered by cloud
How is daily mean wind speed recorded
Using Beaufort scale
How is cloud cover measured
It is measured in eigths, the technical unit is the okta
What is a Beaufort scale
A non numerical and empirical scale that maps wind speeds to a number
What is daily max gust
Max instantaneous speed that occured over a 24 hour period.
What does a value of 0 oktas represent of cloud coverage
0 oktas represents a clear sky
8 oktas means complete overcast
How is daily max gust measured
In knots
What is the daily maximum gust direction
This is the direction the wind was blowing in the hour the corresponding daily maximum gust occurred
What is daily mean wind direction
The value is given in degrees relative to true north
Corresponding cardinal direction is also given.
Values are rounded to nearest degrees
How is daily maximum gust direction measured
Values given in degrees relative to true north
The corresponding cardinal direction also given
What do your expect at Jacksonville
High temperatures
More rainfall that in the uk
Moderate wind speeds
What do you expect at Beijing
High temperatures - similar to Jacksonville
Expect lower average temp than Jacksonville
More variation in tell
What is expected in Perth in terms of weather
Southern hemisphere means seasons reversed
June-august winter
Located near sea so high windspeeds expected