Large Bowel Obstruction Flashcards
Aetiology of LBO
- Colorectal cancer (90%)
- Colonic volvulus (sigmoid most commonly, also caecam)
- Diverticulitis
- Non-surgical causes: constipation, Olgivie syndrome (acute pseudo-obstruction)
Pathophysiology of LBO
Obstruction -> proximal colon dilatation -> increased colonic P
-> decreased mesenteric BF -> mucosal oedema -> fluid and electrolytes pushed into colonic lumen
= dehydration and electrolyte imbalance
How does perforation eventuate in LBO ?
Arterial blood supply decreases due to mucosal ulceration -> full thickness wall necrosis -> perforation
Sepsis can occur as bacterial has opportunity to translocate
Common site of perforation in LBO
Caecum as it has the largest diameter, resulting in faecal soilage of peritoneal cavity and sepsis
How does colonic volvulus lead to ischaemia, necrosis and perforation?
Once volvulus has 360 degree twist, then a closed loop obstruction is produced. Fluid and electrolyte shifts result from fluid secretion into the closed loop producing an increase in P and tension on the colonic wall that will eventually impair colonic blood supply
-> ischaemia, necrosis and perforation
Clinical features of LBO
- Sudden onset colicky pain
- Each spasm lasts less than 1 minute
- Hypogastric midline pain
- Vomiting may be absent
- Constipation, no flatus (obstipation)
Px of LBO
- Increased bowel sounds, especially during pain
- Distension early and marked
- Local tenderness and rigidity
Findings of PR in LBO
Empty rectum, may be rectosigmoid cancer or blood
Check for faecal impaction (solid, immobile bulk of faeces)
Findings of X-ray in LBO
- Colonic distension proximal to the obstruction
- distal collapse
- Small bowel dilatation depending on:
a. duration of obstruction
b. competence of ileocaecal valve
with separation of haustral markings, especially caecal distension
What does a sigmoid volvulus on xray show?
Distended loop
What confirms Dx?
Gastrografin enema (contrast enema) shows obstruction site "bird beak" in volvulus
Rx of LBO
Drip and suction
Surgical referral
Faecal occult blood test is usually ___?
If unclear with xray, we should order a ___?
Rx of LBO
In all cases resuscitation and electrolyte balance.
In perforation or peritonitis, emergency laparotomy is required to prevent sepsis that involves
Hartmann’s procedure + reanastamoses of bowel 2-3 weeks later
What is the Hartmann’s procedure?
resection of the affected bowel and causative lesion, bring out the remaining proximal large bowel or small bowel (if caecum resected) as a colostomy/enterostomy and oversewing the rectal stump
Why is LBO pain hypogastric (below umbilicus)?
large bowl is hind gut origin
What is the difference between bowel obstruction and ileus?
Bowel obstruction - pain is colicky, waxes and wanes, increased bowel sounds (tinkling)
Ileus (sleeping bowels) - pain is from distension (more consistent), absent bowel sounds