Laravel-doc-4 Flashcards
20 - greeting (noun)
she raised her hand in greeting
selamlama (noun)
20 - offset (verb)
dengele- (verb)
20 - stream (noun)
aktarım; akıntı (noun)
20 - submission (noun)
they were forced into submission
itaat; teslimiyet (noun)
19 - completion (noun)
tamamlama (noun)
19 - refund (verb)
geri öde- (verb)
19 - subject (noun)
ders; konu (noun)
18 - compatible (adjective)
the printer is fully compatible with all leading software
uyumlu (adjective)
17 - absolute (noun)
mutlak; kesin (noun)
17 - appear (verb)
belli ol-;görün- (verb)
17 - decimal (adjective)
ondalık (adjective)
17 - illustrate (verb)
gözünde canlandır- (verb)
17 - initiate (verb)
başlat- (verb)
17 - odd (adjective)
garip (adjective)
17 - scheduler (noun)
zamanlayıcı (noun)
16 - abstract (noun)
soyut (noun)
16 - arbitrary (adjective)
arbitrary rule by King and bishops has been made impossible
keyfi (adjective)
16 - gather (verb)
topla- (verb)
16 - guzzle (verb)
we guzzle our beer and devour our pizza
yut- (tıkın-) (verb)
16 - pail (noun)
kova (noun)
15 - concurrent (adjective)
eşzamanlı (adjective)
15 - dimension (noun)
boyut (noun)
15 - inverse (adjective)
ters (adjective)
15 - leverage (noun)
Kaldıraç (noun)
15 - track (verb)
izle- (verb)
15 - vapor (noun)
buhar (noun)
14 - recur (verb)
tekrarla- (verb)
14 - spark (noun)
kıvılcım (noun)
13 - provision (noun)
karşılık (noun)
13 - range (noun)
menzil (noun)
13 - spatial (adjective)
a mouse’s spatial memory
mekansal (adjective)
13 - truncate (verb)
kısalt- (verb)
12 - remain (verb)
geriye kal- (verb)
12 - scale (noun)
ölçek (noun)
12 - trek (noun)
a trek to the South Pole
yürüyüş (noun)
11 - bootcamp (noun)
eğitim kampı (noun)
11 - cross (verb)
geç- (verb)
11 - explicit (adjective)
açık (adjective)
11 - failover (noun)
the second server went into failover mode within a minute
yük devretme (noun)
11 - fit (verb)
uy-; yerleştir- (verb)
11 - flatten (verb)
düzleştir- (verb)
11 - integrity (noun)
bütünlük (noun)
11 - nonce (adjective)
a nonce usage
bir kez (adjective)
11 - priority (noun)
öncelik (noun)
11 - respect (noun)
Saygı (noun)
11 - rest (verb)
dinlen- (verb)
11 - supply (verb)
there were fears that the drought would limit the exhibition’s water supply
tedarik et- (verb); tedarik(noun)
11 - thus (adverb)
Burke knocked out Byrne, thus becoming champion
Böylece (adverb)
11 - yield (verb)
teslim ol-; verim(noun) (verb)
10 - browse (verb)
Araştır- (verb)
10 - discord (noun)
a prosperous family who showed no signs of discord
anlaşmazlık (noun)
10 - inherit (verb)
miras al- (verb)
10 - prior (adjective)
önceki (adjective)
9 - conflict (noun)
doctors often come into conflict with politicians
anlaşmazlık (noun)
8 - article (noun)
an article about middle-aged executives
makale; madde (noun)
8 - benchmark (noun)
kalite testi (noun)
8 - cipher (noun)
şifre (noun)
8 - collation (noun)
lunch was a collation of salami, olives, and rye bread
harmanlama (noun)
8 - curl (verb)
the sneering curl of his lip
kıvır-; kıvrım (verb)
8 - debit (noun)
borç (noun)
8 - distinct (adjective)
there are two distinct types of sickle cell disease
farklı; belirgin (adjective)
8 - encourage (verb)
the intention is to encourage new writing talent
cesaretlendir-; teşvik et- (verb)
8 - inbound (adjective)
gelen (adjective)
8 - outbound (adjective)
giden (adjective)
8 - regex (noun)
normal ifade (noun)
8 - reserve (noun)
rezerv (noun)
8 - upcoming (adjective)
yaklaşan (adjective)
7 - bearer (noun)
taşıyıcı (noun)
7 - brace (noun)
thirty brace of grouse
destek (noun)
7 - clamp (noun)
kelepçe (noun)
7 - foam (noun)
köpük (noun)
7 - hibit (noun)
yasak (noun)
7 - initialize (verb)
başlat- (verb)
7 - literal (adjective)
a literal translation from the Spanish
gerçek (adjective)
7 - ordinal (adjective)
ordinal position of birth
sıralı (adjective)
7 - plural (adjective)
çoğul (adjective)
7 - pretend (verb)
I closed my eyes and pretended I was asleep
numara yap- (verb)
7 - recycle (noun)
geri dönüşüm (noun)
7 - suspend (verb)
work on the dam was suspended
askıya al- (verb)
6 - abbreviate (verb)
I decided to abbreviate my stay in Cambridge
kısalt- (verb)
6 - arise (verb)
kalk- (verb)
6 - blaze (noun)
twenty fireman fought the blaze
alev (noun)
6 - collapse (verb)
yıkıl-;çök (verb)
6 - drag (verb)
sürükle- (verb)
6 - ignore (verb)
görmezden gel- (verb)
6 - inspire (verb)
the movie was successful enough to inspire a sequel
ilham ver- (verb)
6 - interfere (verb)
she tried not to interfere in her children’s lives
müdahale et- (verb)
6 - overlap (verb)
örtüş-; üst üste gel- (verb)
6 - partition (noun)
bölme (noun)
6 - raise (verb)
divers have located and hope to raise the submarine
artır- (verb)
6 - rise (verb)
yüksel- (verb)
6 - spin (verb)
döndür- (verb)
6 - standalone (adjective)
a stand-alone application
bağımsız (adjective)
6 - stray (adjective)
dog owners are urged not to allow their dogs to stray
başıboş (adjective)
6 - unified (adjective)
birleşik (adjective)
5 - anticipate (verb)
most people did not anticipate the scale of the expansion of the internet
um- ; bekle-; tahmin et-( verb)
5 - bulk (noun)
toplu (noun)
5 - cascade (adjective)
kademeli (adjective)
5 - conduct (verb)
yönet- (verb)
5 - derive (verb)
türet- (verb)
5 - genre (noun)
tür (noun)
5 - implicitly (adverb)
dolaylı olarak (adverb)
5 - preserve (verb)
a fight to preserve local democracy
koru- (verb)
5 - regard (noun)
ilişki (noun)
5 - remind (verb)
hatırlat- (verb)
5 - revert (verb)
geri al- (verb)
5 - shuffle (verb)
karıştır- (verb)
5 - summary (noun)
özet (noun)
4 - ascending (adjective)
artan (adjective)
4 - consent (noun)
no change may be made without the consent of all the partners
onay (noun)
4 - decreasing (adjective)
azalan (adjective)
4 - entrypoint (noun)
giriş noktası (noun)
4 - exclusive (adjective)
an exclusive Georgetown neighborhood
özel (adjective)
4 - insight (noun)
iç yüzü (noun)
4 - intense (adjective)
an intense blue
yoğun (adjective)
4 - intersect (verb)
lines of latitude and longitude intersect at right angles
kesiş- (verb)
4 - involve (verb)
içer- (verb)
4 - lateral (adjective)
yanal; yan (adjective)
4 - markup (noun)
işaretleme (noun)
4 - mean (verb)
anlamına gel- (verb)
4 - severity (noun)
hay fever symptoms vary in severity
ciddiyet (noun)
4 - slightly (adverb)
he lowered his voice slightly
biraz (adverb)
4 - spoof (noun)
a Robin Hood spoof
sahtekarlık (noun)
4 - strive (verb)
çabala- (verb)
4 - stubborn (adjective)
inatçı (adjective)
4 - sufficient (adjective)
they had sufficient resources to survive
yeterli (adjective)
4 - trap (noun)
tuzak (noun)
4 - tweak (verb)
çimdikle- (verb)
3 - accident (noun)
kaza; tesadüf (noun)
3 - blob (noun)
damla (noun)
3 - bubble (noun)
kabarcık (noun)
3 - concern (noun)
endişe (noun)
3 - confuse (verb)
kafası karış- (verb)
3 - craft (noun)
a player with plenty of craft
zanaat (noun)
3 - dash (noun)
kısa çizgi (noun)
3 - draft (noun)
taslak (noun)
3 - exemption (noun)
exemption from prescription charges
muafiyet (noun)
3 - exploit (verb)
500 companies sprang up to exploit this new technology
faydalan- (verb)
3 - formerly (verb)
vakti zamanında; önceden (verb)
3 - gateway (noun)
ağ geçidi (noun)
3 - imply (verb)
ima et- (verb)
3 - matter (noun)
mesele; konu (noun)
3 - mutual (adjective)
we were introduced by a mutual friend
karşılıklı (adjective)
3 - occupation (noun)
his prime occupation was as editor
meslek; meşguliyet (noun)
3 - originate (verb)
kaynaklan- (verb)
3 - polling (noun)
oylama (noun)
3 - sanitize (verb)
sterilize et- (verb)
3 - seamless (adjective)
the seamless integration of footage from different sources
kesintisiz (adjective)
3 - sensible (adjective)
I cannot believe that it is sensible to spend so much
mantıklı (adjective)
3 - shipment (noun)
gönderi (noun)
3 - sprinkle (verb)
sprinkle sesame seeds over the top
serp- (verb)
3 - strip (noun)
şerit (noun)
3 - tamper (verb)
someone tampered with the brakes on my car
kurcala-; sabote et- (verb)
3 - usual (adjective)
olağan (adjective)
3 - verbose (adjective)
much academic language is obscure and verbose
ayrıntılı (adjective)
3 - violate (verb)
they violated the terms of a ceasefire
ihlal et- (verb)
3 - visual (adjective)
görsel (adjective)
2 - absent (adjective)
absent colleagues
mevcut olmayan (adjective)
2 - accurate (adjective)
doğru; kesin (adjective)
2 - artifact (noun)
eser (noun)
2 - attend (verb)
she was unable to attend the wedding
katıl- (verb)
2 - badge (noun)
a Girl Scout badge
rozet (noun)
2 - besides (preposition)
I have no other family besides my parents
dışında; ayrıca (preposition)
2 - caution (noun)
business advisers have sounded a note of caution
Dikkat (noun)
2 - clearance (noun)
Boşluk (noun)
2 - commerce (noun)
ticaret (noun)
2 - consist (verb)
the exhibition consists of 180 drawings
oluş-; meydana gel- (verb)
2 - contrast (noun)
zıtlık (noun)
2 - deadlock (verb)
an attempt to break the deadlock
çıkmaza gir-; çıkmaz (verb)
2 - decay (verb)
the old barn rapidly fell into decay
çürü- (verb)
2 - digest (verb)
a digest of their findings
sindir- (verb)
2 - disrupt (verb)
boz- (verb)
2 - distance (noun)
mesafe (noun)
2 - ease (verb)
kolaylaştır- (verb)
2 - extensive (adjective)
extensive farming techniques
yaygın (adjective)
2 - glance (verb)
bakış at- (verb)
2 - infinite (adjective)
sonsuz (adjective)
2 - intercept (verb)
tut- (verb)
2 - prohibit (verb)
yasakla- (verb)
2 - propose (verb)
teklif et-; öner- (verb)
2 - prove (verb)
kanıtla- (verb)
2 - ray (noun)
ışın (noun)
2 - recognize (verb)
they were refusing to recognize the puppet regime
tanı- (verb)
2 - rigid (adjective)
his face grew rigid with fear
katı (adjective)
2 - subtract (verb)
çıkar- (verb)
2 - swift (adjective)
süratli (adjective)
2 - tier (noun)
aşama (noun)
2 - toggle (noun)
geçiş; aç/kapa (noun)
2 - verbosity (noun)
a critic with a reputation for verbosity
ayrıntı; laf kalabalığı (noun)
2 - vulnerable (adjective)
we were in a vulnerable position
hassas (adjective)
2 - whisper (noun)
fısıltı (noun)
legacy (noun)
her legacy will live on for generations to come
miras (noun)