Language techniques Flashcards
When characters and plot represent ideas that relate to morality, politics or religion
Effect of allegory
Allows authors and creators to explore often overwhelming or controversial ideas in an approachable manner
Use of the same letter or sound at the beginning of consecutive words or words in close proximity
Effect of alliteration
Draws attention to certain phrases or sentences. It not only draws the eye of the reader on the page, but the phrase has more emphasis when read
A way of making reference to something else without explicitly stating what is you’re referring to
Effect of allusion
Allows authors to infer meaning by creating parallels between their text and whatever it is they’re alluding to. It can also be used in the opposite manner to create contrast between the author’s argument and their allusion
When words or phrases repeat at the beginning of consecutive sentences, clauses or lines in poetry
Effect of anaphora
Used like alliteration to create emphasis and draw the eye of the reader, creating rhythm and injecting emotion into the text
A stereotype of a character or thing. It is a model around which certain characters types are built
Effect of archetypes
Used to build a connection between the reader and the characters in the text. It prompts a feeling of familiarity which causes readers to become more emotionally invested in the text
A short statement about a widely accepted truth. These are often amusing or witty in nature
Effect of aphorism
Builds trust between reader and writer by making use of universal truths, reader comes to understand the writer as trustworthy, thus increasing engagement and helping persuade them of the writer’s argument
Repetition of a similar vowel sound in consecutive words or words in close proximity
Effect of assonance
Creates rhythm in a text allowing readers to interpret a sentence the way the author intended by making clear which vowel sound should be stressed
A stop in the middle of a line, usually in the form of a comma, dash or colon
Effect of caesura
Gives a choppy, dysfunctional tone to the text whilst simultaneously increasing reading pace. This can help build tension.
The reversal of phrases or grammatical structures in consecutive phrases or sentences (Fair is foul and foul is fair)
Effect of chiasmus
Adds emphasis to a portion of text, drawing the reader’s eye and making sentences stand out more. Reversing a phrase just after using it engages the reader’s attention by disrupting the structure of the text
When a word or phrase is intended to carry a certain meeting
Effect of connotation
Helps convey emotions or feelings allowing them to invoke a deeper emotional response in the reader
Repetition of a similar consonant sound in consecutive words or words close in proximity
Effect of consonance
(Very similar to assonance) creates rhythm in the text and therefore more pleasing to the ear increasing reader engagement
Rhetorical device in which a writer draws attention to the difference between two characters, things or events
Effect of contrast
Writers can make stronger arguments and create stronger statements to further engage the reader
A division in two opposite groups (e.g love and hate)
Effect of dichotomy
Can create and build tension in a story line which allows the reader to clearly understand both groups and increase emotional engagement
The words a writer chooses to use to best convey their message
Effect of diction
It can emphasise the character’s emotions or repression of emotions. It can also help create a certain tone.
When the main purpose of a text is to teach the reader a lesson, often a moral one. It can also apply to characters in a text
Effect of didacticism
It prompts deeper thought from the reader and encourages a deeper understanding of the text
Use of harsh and interrupting sounds, particularly with use of words that generally don’t work together
Effect of dissonance
Creates a tense and uneasy tone which builds suspense for the reader and relays emotions felt by the character
Dramatic irony
When the reader or audience are aware of something the characters are not
Effect of dramatic irony
Creates suspense as it is inevitable that the characters will come to understand what the audience already know
Often represented as “…” or “-“ and is a pause for dramatic effect
Effect of ellipsis
It builds tension by creating silence. It often holds some implied meaning. In this case, it encourages deeper engagement by the reader who must consider the meaning of the ellipsis
When a sentence continues beyond the end of a line without use of punctuation
Effect of enjambment
Increases the pace of a section of text by forcing the reader to continue reading without a break. This can help build tension or suspense and can be used to indicate a character’s state of mind.
A quote, poem, or phrase set at the beginning of a piece of text. This may just be at the beginning of a section
Effect of epigraph
Sole purpose is to set the tone of the text. It establishes a certain mood to let the reader know what to expect