Language Patterns & Principles Flashcards
Will you (x)…
before you (y)…?
This is a bit complex, but very powerful! Note that you are implying that the subject will definitely do y. This isn’t obvious though, because his attention is focused on whether or not he will do x first!
“Will you create some new behaviours…before you fix
this completely..? “
“Will you let go of the past…before you heal all that sadness..?”
Try is a really interesting word because try presupposes failure! Insomniacs typically try to fall asleep, and fail gloriously.
Why would you want your subject to fail? Lots of reasons! If he’s doing a suggestibility test and you want his hands to stick together you could say
The harder you try to pull those hands apart, the tighter they stick
Use try anytime you want the subject to fail.
How is called a “process word”. It keeps things moving, rather than letting them get stuck.
Asking Why did this go wrong? isn’t a very good question. But: HOW can we fix
this? is a great question! Use this in hypnotic work.
“As you enjoy that trance…your unconscious mind can figure out exactly how it will make your life so much better…”
There’s no need to…
There may not be a need, but chances are, you’re going to do it anyway!
There’s no need to get really good at hypnosis…There’s no need to solve all sorts of things while you sleep …and there’s no need to keep thinking about this!
Tip: You can insert any embedded command after saying There’s no need to.
And best of all…
When we say this, it engages the brain’s attention. We all like to know what’s best, so our minds listen intently for what’s coming up, because this statement is tied to positive emotions.
And best of all…you don’t even have to think about these patterns after a while, because they’ll work on their own!
“And best of all…you can leave the learning to your unconscious mind…”
You can discover…
Another sentence fragment that redirects the mind toward possibilities. Again, it’s not a prediction. It’s simply stating what’s possible in the subject’s situation.
You can discover ways of applying this stuff in your own hypnotic work. And not only that…
You can discover how much you’ve already learned…in the days and weeks ahead…
Focus your attention on…
What we focus on typically fills our attention. To get the subject’s mind noticing what we want her to notice, simply use this phrase.
Focus your attention on how relaxed you’re becoming.
And the deeper you go into trance… the more you focus your attention on how much better you feel…Now…
You may remember…
Another option statement. It implies that the client may also not remember. But by using this in a hypnosis session, we can activate transderivational searches through the brain’s systems.
In fact, right now…you may remember…a time you felt very comfortable…and very safe…and you may remember…whatever you need to change…haven’t you?
As soon as…you’ll
Another way of connecting ideas that are actually unrelated. The implication is that something will occur, and when it does occur, something else will happen.
It states a certainty that leads to something else. As soon as you’ve had enough of this problem…you’ll let go of it…forever…
…and as…
This is a great utility phrase. It’s used to create endless sentences that are never resolved, which causes the subject to internalize what you’re saying and create meaning.
And as you think of how you’ll apply this…and as you begin your own internal search for meaning…and as you trigger all the feelings you continue to discover…you can sleep now…
Every time you…then…
Another cause and effect language pattern. It connects specific behavior with
something that has to happen.
Every time means there are no exceptions, which is very useful. Every time you think of that old problem…then you’ll feel a sense of humor and relief that it’s gone…
The more (x)…
the more (y)
This is a pattern that’s really easy to use. The power lies in its simple repetition, which makes it very easy to learn.
The more you search for that old pain…the further away it floats…and the more you learn to feel good again…the more enjoyable your life will become…
Sooner or later…
This pattern conveys a sense of inevitability. And since it’s inevitable, why bother to fight with fate? It makes it easier for a subject to relax and go with the flow, wherever you’re leading him or her.
Because sooner or later you’ll fix things…and sooner or later you’ll discover ways you’ve already changed…
Will you (x) or…(y) or…
The brain likes to think it has a choice. Your job as a hypnotist is to offer options that still work for you. By using or you can stack them up and let the subject choose which of your ideas to accept.
So will you find ways to apply this…or review the other cards….or just go deeper into trance?
It’s pretty easy to affect someone with the word sometimes. That’s because nothing happens all the time, but practically anything can occur sometimes.
And sometimes that reminder is all you need to start using this pattern. Sometimes people’s lives change in an instant!
Is there a part of you…
We all have different parts that we use for different purposes. We have parts to play with small animals, parts to hang out with friends, parts to watch TV, etc. When we get a part’s attention, we have access to its resources.
Is there a part of you…that wants to help you heal? Is there a part of you…that can help you learn really quickly?
When you X…then…Y
This is another great cause and effect pattern. Once the subject does the first part of the pattern, he’s led naturally to the linked second part.
When you go to bed tonight…then you’ll sleep well for the first time in years…and when you awaken from this trance…then you’ll notice how you’ve already changed…
A common problem hypnotists have is that they fail to install the resources the subject needs in order to change. Without proper installation and reprogramming, change won’t last.
To make sure the changework “sticks” you can say something like: And you’ll only awaken from trance…when all those wonderful changes are up and running perfectly…
Anything can happen eventually. This is so vague it makes anything believable given enough time.
And if it’s going to happen eventually anyway, then why not let it happen now?
You can tell your subject Eventually you’re going to recover from that grief that’s been troubling you…because all things pass…eventually.
Can you imagine…?
Most things can be imagined. And if we can vividly imagine something happening, it can be the first step toward actual change.
Can you imagine the hypnotic power you’ll develop by learning these patterns? And Can you imagine getting better and better at hypnosis, everyday?
I don’t know how…
You can not know how all sorts of things will happen. This pattern uses that “not knowing” and implies that it’s going to happen anyway!
It’s a simple pattern to use, so just attach “not knowing” to what you want to have happen. I don’t know how you’ll resolve all of this in record time…
How quickly…?
Use this pattern to speed things up in a session if you’re running low on time. It tends to automatically kick things into a faster speed.
How quickly will you find those unconscious resources, and how quickly will you install them so you feel so much better?
How slowly…?
When things are rocketing along very fast and you still have a lot of time left in a hypnotherapy session, this pattern can take things down to a more manageable speed.
How slowly and ecologically will you comfortably breathe…as all the change sets in?
I once heard…
We’ve all heard certain things at different times in our lives. That’s what
makes this such a powerful language pattern. Nobody can dispute what another person once heard.
Using this pattern can turn the words that follow into an embedded command. I once heard a man say that you can be as much of a success as the next person!
You’re unconscious…mind…
This is a very clever pattern that permits you to insert the statement that the client is unconscious. But then you pause and add mind which changes the entire meaning.
You can say to someone: Now I know you’re in a trance…but you’re unconscious… mind…can help you go even deeper…
I won’t tell you…
You can tell anyone anything simply by telling them that you won’t tell them
something. In fact, I won’t tell you to pay attention to that last sentence at all, and I won’t say it can change your hypnotic work in a very positive way.
I won’t tell you that learning is easy and powerful and it’s happening now…
Can you feel…
Hypnosis is largely a kinesthetic or feeling state. This simple question shifts thesubject’s attention to their physical body and their emotions. It is a powerful way to get him out of his head and into a deep trance.
Can you feel your shoes wrapped around your feet…and the sense of your tongue…inside your mouth…and can you feel a sense of profound relaxation…?
Pacing and Leading
To pace a subject is to feed back what’s already happening to her. You do this
verbally, by pointing out what’s there. The result builds rapport, enabling you to then lead the subject with your words.
Practice using 3 pacing statements and 1 leading statement. And you can feel the chair underneath you…and notice the temperature of the room…and the feeling in your hands…and you can go even deeper…
NOW is a very Ericksonian word. When you say NOW in a very deliberate way, you can use it as a command to make something happen…right NOW…The key is to say it firmly and stretch it out for a couple of seconds, but don’t shout it!
…And you can notice…I mean really notice…that you’re starting to change…NOW…
Let go…
Letting go is so easy to do! It’s another one of those language patterns that requires zero effort from the subject. In fact, when the client lets go, it means he’s actually stopped doing something, or being something.
And that’s easy to do, isn’t it? So as you breathe quietly and effortlessly at the perfect rate…you can let go…of all tension…and feel wonderful…
How would it feel
if you…?
This is a hypothetical question. You aren’t saying anything has to happen. It’s a
question that allows the client to consider a change without actually doing anything yet. That’s what makes it possible.
How would it feel if you let go of that addictive behavior? How would it feel if you discover new ways of thinking about the problem?
Where do you feel…?
This is a clever language pattern that creates a feeling by having the subject search for a feeling! It has the built-in presupposition that he does feel a particular thing, and he just needs to discover where it is.
Where do you feel your greatest sense of success? Where do you feel a sense of healing and empowerment? Where do you feel the most love?
Don’t (x) too quickly…
This is another way of putting an embedded command in a sentence. It’s full of implications and presuppositions too!
Don’t fall into a trance…too quickly…and don’t relax every nerve…too quickly…
That’s right…
That’s right is the universal amplifier in Ericksonian hypnosis. It’s powerful and very easy to use. Anytime your subject complies with what you say, or does something that looks like trance, you can say
That’s right…Say it slowly and with a downward intonation and you’ll enhance everything you’re doing!
Because enables you to send powerful commands past the critical faculty, right into the unconscious mind! Just make sure that everything in front of because is a simple command you could end with an exclamation mark.
Fall into a deep state of trance…because you’re already halfway there. Find a solution to this issue…because your mind is ready to change….
Or perhaps you won’t! Perhaps is another word that’s hard to resist. It makes no demands on anyone. Perhaps makes it easy to consider options, and that’s what makes it so effective.
Perhaps you’ll find ways to use this powerful word…and perhaps it will make positive changes…in all your hypnosis work…
What do you want?
This is a great question to start a session. It’s much better than asking: “What’s
By asking this question, we identify the target state; what the subject will see, hear and feel when he has solved the problem or achieved the goal.
This cuts through a lot of complaining and focusing on the negatives.
What’s next?
This is the perfect question to end a hypnotherapy or coaching session. By asking What’s next? we put the responsibility securely back on the client to ensure that change continues to integrate.
By asking What’s next? we encourage the subject to keep moving forward.
What happens when…?
This is a nice phrase that actively involves the subject in her own trancework. Note that you’re not telling her to do anything at all. You’re just asking.
And you might consider what happens when you imagine yourself already
And you can…(name)…
This card enables you to personalize a command to get the unconscious mind’s attention. Then you follow with an embedded command.
Falling into trance is easy…and you can…David…go deeper now… If you wish, you can pause before the name and the command for greater effect.
I wonder if…
Wondering takes away resistance. After all…you’re only wondering…so there’s nothing to fight against.
And I wonder if…you’ll begin to change immediately…
Wondering enables you to put in a suggestion or an embedded command at will. Because you’re just wondering!
I wonder when…
This is a different way of using the irresistible concept of wondering. Instead of wondering if something will happen, you’re wondering when it will happen.
This is a presupposition, and is very powerful.
So I wonder when you’ll add this technique to your hypnosis…
I only want you to…
Only is an interesting word. It seems like we’re asking so little of the person and that there’s nothing to resist at all. Only will give you a door into the subject’s mind.
After all…I only want you to go even deeper…I only want you to do an unconscious search for the solution…
You may…
This is a very clever use of hypnotic language. When we tell the subject he may do something, he doesn’t have to do anything. There’s no pressure, which often leads to him doing it!
And as you consider the use of language to create trance…you may find a really simple and elegant solution…
Would you rather (x) … or (y)?
This pattern is a double-bind. It offers only 2 possible choices. The brain stops looking for alternatives and picks one of the 2 you’ve offered.
Would you rather go into a trance slowly…or quickly? Either answer leads to a trance!
A person may not know…
People don’t know all sorts of things. I don’t know what’s on the far side of Jupiter or what the temperature is in Madrid. But not knowing when you’re talking about an unspecified person, rather than your hypnotic subject, can lead to excellent trance work.
A person may not know…you have all the resources you need…
This is a great hypnotic word. It causes the subject to reconsider what you’ve just said and revisit it in greater detail. This can amplify your success. So think of ways you’ll use this pattern…I mean really use it for maximum advantage and hypnotic power…
…and yet…
This pattern is a very effective way of acknowledging a problem. But it doesn’t stop there. It then causes the mind to look outside the negative and see a positive reframe that wasn’t noticed.
I realize it’s true that you’ve been set back by that illness…and yet…you’ve had a lot of time to read and learn new skills.
You might have noticed…
This causes an immediate shift of attention and redirects the mind. By changing the subject’s focus you can redirect them to something more resourceful or at least different.
And as you sit there…you might have noticed…you’ve already started to change…
Tag questions -
Can you not?
Does it not?
The tag question is a peculiar language pattern. We are used to questions being formulated in a very straight forward manner.
But when we put a question at the end of the sentence, it becomes difficult for our minds to disagree, does it not?
This is another wonderful language pattern. What makes it so powerful is it asks so little. It makes things so easy for the subject that there’s nothing to resist, and nothing difficult to do.
I can tell a hypnotic subject to just sit there and relax completely…and just let trance happen on its own…
Cause and Effect
This cool pattern links things that aren’t really linked at all to create the effect you want. The interesting thing is, the connection doesn’t have to make sense, but it still works!
As you sit there…you can sink deeper into trance…and with each breath you take…you can find even more comfortable levels of trance…