Language Patterns Basics Flashcards
Language is extremely powerful.
Language does two main things
Language reflects consciousness. That is to say by listening to how people speak they will tell us something about how the deeper levels of their mind are structured and the way they move through their world. For example, Ricardo started saying “What if? What if?” That told
me something about the way he approaches risk and the unknown. If someone says to you, “Love is a battlefield,” that tells me a lot
about how that person views love – that it’s a fight, that it’s about clash, that it’s about power, that it’s about beating the other person. People tell us a lot. When I work with female demonstration victim/volunteers, you will see how much I can learn about them just by listening because I know what to pay attention to.
Language structures consciousness. The way in which we use language both with others out loud and to ourselves in our head can structure the very states of consciousness that we can enter and the very ways of thinking.
Language can structure consciousness both through ourselves and the people who we are speaking to. That’s what language does.
The idea that language can open up places in the imagination and evoke emotions, that’s not new with me. That’s the basis of theatre. It’s the basis of storytelling. It’s the basis of political oratory. It’s the basis of religious ceremony. I’m just telling you how to use it in a structured, predictable, intelligent, reliable way to get chicks – but it’s based on the same ideas.
Speed Seduction language patterns
Let’s talk about the Speed Seduction language constructs known as patterns. We hear a lot about language patterns. I’m going to define what they are and show you how to begin using them. Speed Seduction language patterns are designed to do a few things. They evoke, elicit, excite emotional responses and flows of feeling. Some of the language patterns when you use them will evoke in women a set of emotional feelings – fascination, desire, lust. They will feel these things in their body. Whether it’s an emotional state of love, whether they label love or whether it’s a feeling of warmth in their body, we’re going to use the term “feeling” to describe either one of those. Feeling could be what they call love or it could be a feeling of heat pulsing through their pussy. It will evoke a feeling response in the body is my point.
The language patterns will also get her to visualize something in her mind. One of my language patterns that I haven’t used in a long
time, but it still works today, is something that deals with the difference between love and attraction. Part of the pattern talks about how you go home after you meet this guy who just really totally intrigues you. You go home and you picture this person in your mind and you begin to imagine being with this person in all
sorts of ways and situations.
Maybe you imagine going on vacation or introducing them to your friends. The more you realize that’s what’s happening, the more you feel that desire to connect even deeper to the point where you can stop and imagine a time in the future, six months or even a year from now, looking back on this moment as having been the start of that connection.
My friend’s girlfriend says that her sister says that when you let that happen, it’s like you can’t even put your finger on the source of your excitement. But if you could, you’d know, there’s a new direction you really want inside yourself.
That pattern is going to get her visualizing things in her mind. Not just feeling things in her body, but she’s going to visualize things in her mind.
I didn’t just make it up out of thin air. I observe what women do. Women experience enjoyment with men in two contexts. One is when the guy is with them. But then when the guy is not around and they dwell on the guy, they think about him. Given that process happens naturally anyway, why not use it and evoke it?
Every woman when she connects in with a guy at some point is going to go home and think about him. She’ll either think about you from that place in her mind that’s doubtful and skeptical or anxious, or she’ll think about you from that place in her mind that feels connected and desires and daydreams about me being the right guy. Those are the options. Or she won’t think about you at all. Given that that’s the case, why not use your language to trigger that process? It’s already there in her mind, she does it anyway.
Language patterns don’t put anything that’s not already there. The language patterns don’t do something to a woman; they only awaken what’s already in there. Sometimes they awaken a process. What do I mean by a “process”? A process is anything a woman does in her mind naturally anyway to think about you when you’re not around, or when you are present.
Do you understand that women will think about a guy when he’s not around? They dwell and they fantasize. Do you think they’re going to do that from a place in their mind that’s skeptical and goes, “Guys are all bastards. Fuck! Johnny Fuckerfaster dumped me last week. Men are bastards.” What if they could do it from a place in their mind that goes, “Oh my God. This guy is so hot. I wonder how big his wallet is (or whatever it is).”
Language Patterns
Language patterns can evoke flows of feeling in the body, they can evoke processes in consciousness where she visualizes things in her mind, make sounds to herself.
I said to the point where you can stop and imagine the time in the future, years from now, looking back on this moment as having been the start of that beautiful connection.
Sometimes women not only fantasize about us in the present; women will imagine being with us six months from now or a year from now. They do that. They pseudo orient themselves in time. They imagine being in the future with you. This is a hypnotic process, but they do it anyway.
Women fantasize about men. When they fantasize about men, it’s not just about what they want to do with that man right then and there. They’ll imagine being with that man a year from now still feeling connected to him, being madly in love with him, maybe marrying him.
Hypnotic Time Travel
What I’m saying is women not only fantasize about you when you’re not around; they fantasize about doing things in the future with you. When you fantasize about the future, that’s a very hypnotic process. If I put you in a deep trance and I said, “Now I want you to turn the clock forward, the calendar forward, it’s five years from now, tell me what your life looks like. What are you doing for a living? Who are your friends?” That’s a deep hypnotic process. I
would have to train you in trance to do that.
But women do it naturally to themselves anyway. When they imagine being with a guy a year from now or five years from now giving children, they’re taking themselves into the future. Sometimes it’s only six months. The point is it’s a very hypnotic process that we’re triggering using these patterns. Something is going on at the deep level of the unconscious mind that has a lot of power.
Do women ever meet a guy and you imagine being with him months into the future and looking back on the moment of meeting him as having been the start of it? It’s true. So why not use it?
Evoke Feelings?
One of the points about the language patterns is this. They work because this is how women think anyway. I didn’t make them up out of whole cloth, they weren’t channels from an alien being from the depths, they’re not from the devil – well, most of them. They work because they just reflect how women think anyway. That’s why you don’t have to worry about being caught because you’re not shoving anything in there. You’re just using what’s already there.
A language pattern also can evoke different levels of consciousness. We’ve got body feelings. A language pattern can get her to feel certain feelings in her body. It can get her to visualize. It can get her to imagine being somewhere else in time and space with you. It can get her making sounds to herself.
When I talk to women about what it’s like to meet a guy who they just really adore, sometimes you’ll see them sigh and then will start telling me about it. That sound is her trigger to open up the emotional centers of her mind and her body. So all I have to do is repeat that sound later on, and then she goes back to that chain of thoughts and associates it to me.
Is this Science
Patterns will also evoke different levels of consciousness. Let me explain what this means. This is only a model. I’m not saying it’s true. Please understand, I respect science. I respect the scientific method. This is not science. I am claiming it’s a pretty accurate model. If you treat it as if it were true, you’ll see the results that I predict. A good model predicts results. My model predicts certain results. You will get those results, but it’s not scientific.
You need a good Theme
connections, escape, fantasies, indulgence, body sensations, peak experiences, sex. But watch talking about sex directly. It has to be done right. If you get a woman talking about these things and you can talk to her about these things in a certain way, they’re far more likely to capture and lead the imagination and the emotions.
What’s a pattern
I should say not all patterns are these long memorized bits. A pattern can also take the form of a game or quiz where she participates!
Another format is where you just recite something.
What if a pattern isn’t working
Sometimes if it seems like the pattern isn’t working she needs to have it delivered in another format. To give you a metaphor so you get this, let’s say I want to send you a pen. I can mail it to you U.S. Mail – that’s one format. I could send it UPS. I could FedEx it. I could have a messenger hand deliver it. It’s the same object, but it’s being delivered in a different way.
There are different kinds of language patterns. Generally speaking, the younger the girl, the more likely she’ll respond to a quiz or game as opposed to a formal pattern where you recite something to her.
The other distinction is a quiz or game requires that she participate actively. She’s more engaged with it. She can just sit there and you can do it and she’ll go right into trance. But not all women respond to this format.
The Discovery Channel pattern
The Discovery Channel pattern deals with the following themes: excitement, anticipation, fascination, thrills, and safety. These are the various themes.
We bring up the Discovery Channel pattern using something called quotes. Quotes just means you’re quoting something you saw on
TV or heard in a conversation or read somewhere. It’s very simple. You say, “The other day I was watching this really interesting show on the Discovery Channel.” That’s how you bring it up. We do this all the time, don’t we? Have you ever started a conversation by talking about something you saw on TV or a
movie? It’s a very natural thing to do. You bring it up by saying, “I was watching this show on the Discovery Channel the other day, and the guy was talking about rides and designing your ideal attraction.” That’s another theme: attraction.
“The guy was talking about how you design your deal attraction. He said when you stop and think about your ideal attraction, there are three elements. He said when you first climb on this ride there’s that time when you’re going that long, slow, vertical climb up. You feel your heart beating faster, you realize your breathing is starting to come faster and faster, and you feel that anticipation, that desire, that excitement about going down. Then when you go down that first slope, you’re screaming with excitement all the way going down and you can feel the thrill just rushing through your body.
“He said the second element is this ride is safe. You know that you can get on this because, ultimately, it’s very sturdy, very well-built and you’re safe. You’re not going to fall off or get hurt. And because you feel totally safe, Debbie, it frees you to feel all those exciting feelings.
“He said, finally, this ride has to be fascinating. There has to be so many different twists and turns as soon as you get off you want to climb right back on this. You know, it made me realize it’s sort of like the connection that you really want to experience with someone who you realize you’re really feeling something special with.
Here’s how it all works
The first part of the pattern is how you bring it up. You bring it up using quotes. Introduce it with quotes. You say, “I was watching the most interesting show on TV the other day on the Discovery Channel.” That’s simple enough. What does that do? It allows you to bring up the topic.
Another way you can bring up the topic is just by asking a question. You could say, “Can I ask you something? Do you like amusement parks?” No matter what they answer, you say, “Well, the other day I was watching this show on the Discovery Channel and they were talking about rides – attractions. They said when you design your ideal attraction.”
When I say, “When you design your ideal attraction,” I’m pointing to myself. It’s very subtle.
“When you design your ideal attraction, there are three elements,” or “When you imagine your ideal attraction.” I’m giving her an embedded command. I’m telling her “Imagine your ideal attraction.” I’m using ambiguity. Does attraction mean attraction to a guy or a ride in an amusement park? You’re commanding her unconscious mind to imagine her ideal attraction.
It’s also a vague command. Are you saying imagine your ideal amusement park attraction or are you imagining your ideal attraction to a guy? Because it’s vague, it triggers an unconscious search for all the meanings, and she will imagine her attraction to a guy because it’s vague.
Notice what I didn’t say. I didn’t say, “When you imagine your ideal romantic attraction.” That’s to specific.
Underline “Imagine your ideal attraction”. That is an embedded command. I want you to put a second line under the word “imagine” or circle the word “imagine”. “Imagine” is what I call a trance word. It’s a word that activates the visual process. Imagine, ponder, wonder, visualize, picture are what I call trance words because they trigger a hypnotic or semi-hypnotic process.
Underneath the word “imagine”, write the word “wonder” and circle that.
Underneath that word, write the word “picture” and circle it. Underneath that, write the word “ponder”. Underneath that, write the word “visualize.”
These are what I call trance words. They direct the person inward into their imagination.
“When you imagine your ideal attraction, there are three elements. First, this ride has to be really exciting.”
You can circle the word “ride”. Next to it, I want you to write “sexual metaphor”. When I say ride, do I mean the amusement park or do I mean a sexual ride with me? It’s a sexual metaphor. It’s ambiguous and it’s a metaphor. “This ride has to be really exciting.”
The next thing is describe the body feelings she’s going to be feeling. Have you ever been on a roller coaster and you’re going that first climb up? What does that feel like in your body? When you’re doing that first climb up, what do you experience in your body? Butterflies, anticipation, euphoria. What goes on in your body
– what kind of body sensations? Heart pounding, bracing yourself, adrenalin, a feeling of “what if?”
When we do a pattern, we want to describe the body sensations, because as we describe them, we’re commanding her to feel them.
“He said you can feel your breathing coming faster. And as you climb, you feel the anticipation of how good this ride will be. You feel your heart beating faster. The adrenalin is pumping and you’re imagining how good it will feel when you go down.”
Do you hear the commands?
We want to give body description. “He said you can feel the adrenalin pumping through your system. You feel your heart beating faster. You feel your breathing start to come stronger.”
Write this sentence: “You feel your breathing start to come stronger.” That’s a command to feel her breathing. Instead of that, there’s another command (start to come).
Do I mean come as in come sexually? Underline the word “come” and beneath it put “sexual metaphor”. Do you see how this is working?
“And you imagine the thrill of going down” is the next command. Underline the words “going down”. That’s sexual metaphor.
When you give these sexual metaphors, don’t drool on it. Don’t over-emphasize. It’s very subtle. Deliver it as non sexually-obvious as you can, otherwise you’ll ruin the whole thing.
“On that first long, slow climb, you feel your adrenaline pumping.” What we’re doing is describing body sensations. We’re also using
sexual metaphors.
“As you go down, you’re screaming with excitement.”
I want you to not just get the exact words; I want you to get the principle on how to build this. That’s the theme of excitement and sexual thrill.
But remember, another theme of the Discovery Channel pattern is safety. Remember I said excitement, anticipation, fascination, thrill, safety? We also now want to bring up safety. Why do you think it’s important to bring up safety? You have a woman feeling sexual, you have her imagining going down and she’s feeling the excitement pumping through her boy – why do you also want to bring up safety?
I’m going to say something like, “And then the guy talked about the second element of a really good ride. He said the second element of a really good ride is safety.” I’ll do it this blatantly.
“He was talking about the second element of a safe ride, which is safety. This ride has to feel totally safe.”
Underline the words “feel totally safe”. That’s the command. Notice something else. “He said this ride has to feel totally safe,
Debbie.” Rides don’t feel anything. Rides are things. They can’t feel anything, can they? No. That ambiguity, in NLP we call it a selectional restriction violation. It’s also very hypnotic. Your unconscious mind says, “Wait a minute. The ride feels very safe? No, the ride can’t feel safe. I feel safe.” It happens very unconsciously.
“This ride has to feel totally safe, Debbie. This ride is so well- constructed you know you’re safe and you’ll be okay. This ride is so well-built.” Do I mean my cock or do I mean the amusement? What do I mean by well-built?
By the way, you know what helps to get her to interpret it in a sexual way? What do you think I’m visualizing? When I say “this ride is so well-built” what am I visualizing? I’m visualizing my huge, big, fat cock. That’s what she’ll visualize.
If Debbie and I are in rapport and there’s an ambiguity and she’s not sure how to interpret it whether it means the roller coaster or my dick, what I visualize in my mind will determine the way in which her mind selects the meaning.
Here’s the key. While I’m visualizing it, I’m not getting excited in my body. I don’t want to get all turned on while I do it because it will fry her circuits. You stay in a nice, calm, neutral state while you do this.
“This ride is so well-built you know you can feel safe from the time you get on to the time you get off. You feel safe with the whole thing inside.”
Listen to the sexual language. “This ride is so well-built you feel safe from the time you climb on to the time you get off. The whole thing feels really good inside because you know you’re safe.” Do you hear the ambiguity? Climb on, get off, the whole thing feels really good inside.
Do you hear the sexual metaphor? What does “the whole thing” mean? “From the time you get on to the time you get off, the whole thing feels really great inside.” Does that mean the whole thing meaning my entire dick? It’s a double-embedded sexual metaphor. “The whole thing feel really great inside from the time you climb on to the time you get off.”
You don’t even need to get it word for word. You just need to get the principle.
“This ride is so well-built that you feel totally safe from the time you climb on to the time you get off. The whole thing feel so good inside.” Notice the ambiguity. Do I mean the entire ride? Do I mean my whole dick? Do I mean her hole feels good inside? Or do I mean all of it?
We dealt with the element of excitement and body feelings. We dealt with the element of safety. The final element is fascination.
Why do I want to involve fascination and coming back for more? The final element is fascination and wanting to get more. Why would I want to include that?
I got a woman feeling horny and I’ve got her feeling safe with it. Why would I want to include her wanting to come back for more? Don’t you want her to keep coming back to fuck you again? Why should you do all that work and just get one lay?
What did George Patton say? “I never like to pay for the same piece of real estate twice.” Well, I never want to pay for the same piece of cognitive emotional real estate twice. If I’m going to get a good state, I want her looping on it and thinking about it over and over so she wants more of it. This way, you don’t get buyer’s
remorse or last-minute resistance because you programmed her to think about wanting more of it.
When someone wants more of a good thing, do they resist? No. They grab for more. If you don’t condition a woman how to respond to her desires, she may respond by running away from it.
The nice guy doesn’t even know how to create states of desire. The guy who’s learning and doing okay knows how to create states of desire. The master knows how to create states of desire and states of wanting more of that desire and pleasure, and links it to himself.
The clueless guy, the nice guy, can’t create any states of desire. The would-be seducer, the somewhat player, can create some states of desire and get laid sometimes. But the master not only creates desires and pleasure, he conditions the woman’s mind on how to respond to that state of desire and pleasure to want more of it and to keep reaching for more. That’s mastery.
As I described that, you could probably recognize different types of guys who you know. You know the clueless guys. You know the guys who occasionally do well with a certain kind of woman. You also probably experience you create states of desire, and then she never calls you and you can never get her into bed and never hear from her again. So you created that state of desire, but you haven’t conditioned her mind on what to do with it and how to respond to it.
“He said the final element of a great ride is it has to be fascinating. There’s got to be so many different twists and turns that, as soon as you get off, you want to climb right back on.”
“He said this right has got to be fascinating. There’s got to be so many different twists and turns, as soon as you get off, you want to climb right back on. You want to experience this ride multiple times.”
Here’s the algorithm. Now we’re going to get into the fact that the ride is going to be fascinating. The reason we’re doing this is we don’t want to just give her desirable, fantastic fantasies. We want her to act on them and want more.
“So he said the final element of the ride is it’s got to be fascinating. It’s got to have so many different twists and turns that as soon as you get off.” Do you hear the embedded command? “Get off” – a sexual metaphor.
What am I picturing in my mind? Am I picturing her climbing off a roller coaster when I say get off? I’m picturing her coming. “As soon as you get off, you want to climb right back on. You want to do this multiple times. You want to take this ride multiple times.”
The exact words don’t matter as much as you understanding the elements. When you do this, you’re going to see different kinds of responses. You’re going to get different kinds of responses. Sometimes you’ll hear, “Oh, my God, that sounds just like sex.” If that happens, you go, “Hmm.What kind of thoughts are you having?” I bite my lip and raise my eyebrows. Why? Because that becomes an anchor for those kind of thoughts. So every time I want her to have them, I just go, “This coffee is pretty good,” and she’ll loop on the sexual thoughts again.
Sometimes you’ll hear her say, “That sounds just like sex.” You say, “Wow, what kind of thoughts are you having?” That becomes the anchor. When I say, “What kind of thoughts are you having?” What does she have to do in her mind to answer that question? Run through the thoughts. And as she starts running through the thoughts, I bite my lip [?], and that becomes the command like Pavlov’s bell to have her run through those thoughts.
Later on in the evening, I can say, “You know, this coffee is fucking fantastic,” and all of a sudden she’s thinking about taking the ride and coming.
If a woman is having sexual thoughts about you, feeling her heart pounding, her breathing coming faster, she’s thinking about you sexually, thinking about your big ride inside of her and she’s doing it multiple times through an hour of spending time with you, what’s the natural conclusion she’s going to reach about how she feels about you? She’ll feel, “Oh, I want to fuck this guy.”
Then because you programmed it in through the pattern.
Rules for Sexual Metaphor
1) Thou shalt be subtle with thy gestures and they tonality.
If you lean on it, then it becomes a Saturday Night Live sketch.
2) Thou shalt be in a calm, neutral state.
If you’re all turned on inside, then it’s going to overload her circuits and she’ll think you’re a creep. You know what the definition of a creep is? A creep is someone who’s horny instead of being sexual and tries unsuccessfully to hide it. That’s how women think of a creep. A creep is someone who’s horny instead of sexual and he tries to hide it.
Someone who’s horny instead of sexual but doesn’t try to hide it is just someone who’s clueless. Someone who’s sexual without being horny is called someone she’s fucking.
3) Thou shalt visualize what thou want her to visualize in her mind. When I say, “Take this ride,” I’m going to visualize her on my dick.
4) Thou shalt be in rapport.
When you’re in rapport, the way in which you visualize will determine how the other person visualizes if there’s an ambiguity. If she doesn’t know what ride means, whether ride means the roller coaster or your cock, she will visualize what you visualize and she’ll think it’s her own idea.
Whether or not you get the exact words of the Discovery Channel pattern, you’re seeing the elements – the theme, how we set it up, how we embed commands, how the commands involve body sensations, feelings in her body, how they involve sexual metaphor, how they involve visualizing things.
More the More LOOP
Whenever I’m with a woman one thing I will create a more the more loop. I’ll get to this later. This is advanced. I’ll say something like, “The more you feel those good feelings, the more deeper part of you can recognize you want more.” I’m creating a loop for her on what to do with it. Not all women need this. Some women want it so much you don’t need to create states of desiring more. They will just move forwards. Those are delightful women. They’re called Scandinavians, Norwegians, Dames, Swedes. I don’t know about the Finns. I’ve never met a Finn. I assume it’s the same way in Finland; I don’t know.
Part 3
Part 3