Language Paper 1 Flashcards
What Type of Question is Question 2?
A language analysis question
What does this mean?
This means you must always quote, embedded quotations and name technique you are talking about.
What are the 4 things you should do on question 2?
Always write about imagery (sysnthesia which is the senses which are brought to life) pathetic fallacy
2) Always refer to individual words
3) Find a long complex sentence, especially one with listed descripitions
4) Comment on the effect of Contrast or Juxtaposition, which will be in any description.
What are the 2 most important things in getting the Perspective answers?
1) Write about writers purpose
2) Use tentative language ‘perhaps to suggest your interpretation of the effect or purpose (evaluating)
What does SOAPAIMS stand for?
Similie Onamotpoetia Alitiertation Personfication Adjectives Imagery Metaphors Sense
What does Could mean in the Question 2?
If there is not Complex sentences what is the effect?
This is because they want to be fast paced, straight in action driving you to the climax.
What is their 100% of in a description?
What is the Mark scheme of Say at Question 2?
1) Must be detailed (Language)
2) Write about Writers purpose
3) Subject terimonlogy
What is Question 3?
What is the Exact question for Question 3?
Structure you interest you as a reader
What does the Writer desperately want you to write about in Question 3?
About the ending, it will help you reevaluate what you thought in the beginning.
What do the Examiners want you to think in Question 3?
How does this part influence, we thinking about the whole text. ( why does that happen here) and also why the ending is like how it is.
What are the 3 advice’s of Structure?
1) Look at the sequence - why do we find out what happens in a particular order.
2) Why do we look at these particular perspectives
3) Why does it begin in this way and end that way?, not naming parts, but explaining of parts.
How do you make sure you write about an overall in Structure at the start?
1) Leave 3 or 4 at the beginning of your answer to your overview.
2) When you get to the end of your answer you will have worked on why the whole structure is the way it is.
3) Go back to the beginning and describe the whole structure, saying why it is constructed this way it is.
Why is contrast important in Question 3?
It is a feature of structure, explaining why contrast is there and how it makes you think or feel.
What do Examiners like in Question 3?
They love construct, think about how they constucted ( the story, how characters are constructed and how it makes a reader think or feel something)
What is there very likely to be in Question 3?
Movement from a General to a specific or the opposite?
What are 3 IMPORTANT TIPS for Question 3?
How is the writer made to make predictions which may be deliberately misleading ( FIT) Feel imagine and think
2) The order in which information is revealed or hidden, why did you have to include information where it.
3) Use tentative language ( might, could, perhaps)
What does FIND SCRIPT mean?
Flashback and flash forwards Introduction Narrative perspectives Development of story Shift in focus Conclusion Repetitions, patterns Inside links, sentence types Perspective change Time
What is Question 4?
A statement
What is the main skill of Question 4 ?
Evaluation which means explain in detail, one way to do this is offer alternative explanations.
What is the Mark scheme of Question 4?
1) Critical evaluates the text in a detailed way ( don’t have to have alternate interpretation)
2) Think about writers reasons
3) Offers examples from the text to explain views convincingly.
Do you agree or disagree in this question?
Mostly agree and Partially disagree e.g. This writer is trying to…. but? and back with evidence.
What must you do in Question 4?
Talk about methods, but evaluate the methods but also the examiner likes the methods of contrast and Narrative voice ( viewpoint and character we see it from)
What are the phrases that show you are always evaluating?
How do you get top Marks in Question 4?
Always evaluate throughout.
What is the First way of planning?
Don’t have to think about what is in the image, but who your observer is ( the most interesting observer)
2) Use SOAPISMS to describe the object, use lots of imagery and always have a comparison to build tension.
What is the Second way of Planning?
Use image, but use what it suggests and write all the ideas and figure which one appeals to you the most., finding contrasts and comparisons. Writing about Contrast will always give your ideas to write about a technique.
What are the Most Powerful techniques of Question 5?
1) Concentrate on powerful verbs
2) Use abstract nouns in your metaphor
3) Link your verbs around an extended metaphor
4) Always create contrast, as this introduces conflict
5) Make images link together
6) Use powerful words from the poems
7) Pay attention to sounds of words