Language in use Flashcards
stand on ceremony ( BrE )
to behave formally
- Please don’t stand on ceremony (= Please be natural and relaxed) with me.
a large formal party with dancing
a particular aspect or detail of sth
- in this respect we are very fortunate.
BrE / dɪpɑt /
NAmE / dɪpɑrt /
( rather formal )
1 [ intransitive , transitive ] to leave a place, especially to start a trip
opp: arrive
- ~ (for…) (from…) Flights for Rome depart from Terminal
BrE / ʌltɪmeɪtəm /
NAmE / ʌltɪmeɪtəm /
( plural ultimatums or ultimata )
a final warning to a person or country that if they do not do what you ask, you will use force or take action against them
- to issue an ultimatum
dinner jacket
chap BrE / tʃæp / NAmE / tʃæp / noun ( BrE , informal , becoming old-fashioned )
used to talk about a man in a friendly way
- He isn’t such a bad chap really.
- Come on, chaps, let’s go for a drink!
mind you (informal) IDM
used to add sth to what you have just said,especially sth that makes it less strong
- I’ve heard they’re getting divorced.Mind you, I’m not surprised –they were always arguing.
fray verb, noun
BrE / freɪ /
NAmE / freɪ /
1 [ intransitive , transitive ] if cloth frays or sth frays it, the threads in it start to come apart
- The cuffs of his shirt were fraying.
- ~ sth It was fashionable to fray the bottoms of your jeans.
frayed adjective
- frayed denim shorts
-Tempers were getting very frayed.
have two left hands
you have no good hands,and are incredibly clumsy as a result.
flourish sth
to wave sth around in a way that makes people look at it
at stake
that can be won or lost, depending on the success of a particular action
- We cannot afford to take risks when people’s lives are at stake.
- The prize at stake is a place in the final.
BrE / rɪlʌktənt /
NAmE / rɪlʌktənt /
hesitating before doing sth because you do not want to do it or because you are not sure that it is the right thing to do
- reluctant agreement
-~ (to do sth) She was reluctant to admit she was wrong.
- He finally gave a reluctant smile.
- a reluctant hero (= a person who does not want to be called a hero)
reluctantly / BrE rɪlʌktəntli ; NAmE rɪlʌktəntli / adverb
- We reluctantly agreed to go with her.
embark BrE / ɪmbɑk / NAmE / ɪmbɑrk / PHR V embark on/upon sth ( formal )
to start to do sth new or difficult
- She is about to embark on a diplomatic career.
BrE / ɪnfjʊərieɪtɪŋ /
NAmE / ɪnfjʊrieɪtɪŋ /
making you extremely angry
- an infuriating child/delay
- It is infuriating to talk to someone who just looks out of the window.
ordeal BrE / ɔdil / BrE / ɔdil / NAmE / ɔrdil / noun
[ usually singular ] ~ (of sth/of doing sth)
a difficult or unpleasant experience
They are to be spared the ordeal of giving evidence in court.
rest on sth
to be based on sth
read between the lines
to look for or discover a meaning in sth that is not openly stated
- Reading between the lines,I think Clare needs money.
do sb/sth justice
to deal with sb/sth correctly and completely
fray verb, noun
BrE / freɪ /
NAmE / freɪ /
1 [ intransitive , transitive ] if cloth frays or sth frays it, the threads in it start to come apart
- This material frays easily.
-~ sth It was fashionable to fray the bottoms of your jeans.
2 [ intransitive , transitive ] ~ (sth) if sb’s nerves or temper frays or sth frays them, the person starts to get irritated or annoyed
- As the debate went on, tempers began to fray.
frayed / BrE ; NAmE / adjective
- frayed denim shorts
- Tempers were getting very frayed.
fray at/around the edges/seams
to start to come apart or to fail
- Support for the leader was fraying at the edges.
BrE / əbreɪʒn /
NAmE / əbreɪʒn /
[ uncountable ]
2 damage to a surface caused by rubbing sth very hard against it
- Diamonds have extreme resistance to abrasion.
flourish verb, noun
BrE / flʌrɪʃ /
NAmE / flɜrɪʃ /
1 [ intransitive ] to develop quickly and be successful or common
syn: thrive
- Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate.
2 [ intransitive ] to grow well; to be healthy and happy
syn: thrive
- These plants flourish in a damp climate.
- ( especially BrE ) I’m glad to hear you’re all flourishing.
3 [ transitive ] ~ sth to wave sth around in a way that makes people look at it
- He rushed into the room flourishing the newspaper.
mend verb, noun
BrE / mend /
NAmE / mend /
1 [ transitive ] ~ sth ( BrE ) to repair sth that has been damaged or broken so that it can be used again
- Could you mend my bike for me?
2 [ transitive ] ~ sth to repair a hole in a piece of clothing, etc
- He mended shoes for a living.
3 [ transitive ] ~ sth to find a solution to a problem or disagreement
- They tried to mend their differences.