Language for photo description Flashcards
En la foto hay/ se/ puede ver/veo… personas, niños, una familia, chico/chica
In the photo there is/are/you can see/ I see … people. children, a family, boys/girls
creo que la foto se sacó en españa/ América Latina proque + cultural fact
I believe that the photo was taken in Spanish/Latin America because + cultural fact
pienso que tiene (n)… años
I think that he/she is/they are.., years old
lleva/llevan una camisa, unos vaqueros: azules, verde/s…
he/she wears/ they wear a short, jeans: blue, green…
supongo que están en + el/la + place
I guess that he/she is/ they are in/at + place
pienso que es el verano/primavera, otoño, invierno (porque hace calor, frio, sol, hace buen tiempo, hace mal tiempo
I think that it is summer, soring, autumn, winter (because it is hot/cold/sunny, the weather is good/bad)
es/son la (hora)
it is (time)
me imagino que se llevan bien/mal porque (están sonriendo/parecen tristes)
I guess that they get on well/badly because (they are smiling/he/she looks/they look sad
es/son serio/a (s)
he/she/they are serious
si fuera yo/el/la (no) me gustaria
if it were me …/ I would (n’t) like
si pudiera, me encantaria
if I could I would love