language devices Flashcards
intentional exaggerated statements used to make a point very powerful - we had to wait forever
opposing words or ideas are presented together to show a contrast- just a small donation you have huge consequences for others
an extra clause or phrase is inserted into a complete sentence to add extra information or to directly address the reader- this issue, as i’m sure you all agree, is of the highest importance
words that sound like the noise it makes e.g. bang, smash, thud
two words next to each other that are opposite e.g. deafening silence, jumbo shrimp
statement that contradicts itself e.g. i can resist anything but temptation
deliberate play on words to create humour e.g. i wondered why the football was getting bigger. then it hit me
pathetic fallacy
setting reflecting the mood of the character e.g. while it was raining outside, the boy was sobbing uncontrollably
repetition of soft sounding words e.g. the silken sad uncertain rustling
use of a symbol to represent any idea or a quality e.g. a sunset represents the end of something
went two or more words close to one another reflect the same vowel sound but start with different consonant sounds e.g sonnet, porridge& killed, cold, culled
refers to emotions or feelings an author conveys to his readers through description of objects and settings
phrase or opinion that is over used and betrays lack of original thought
The use of informal words, phrases or even slang in a piece of writing
A situation in which words are left of the sentence but the sentence can still be understood