language devices Flashcards
what does AFORREST stand for?
alliteration,facts,oppinon,repatition,rytorical question,emotive language,statistics and triplets
what does APESTOMP stand for?
alliteration,personafication,emotions,simile,triplets,onomatopoeia,metaphor and pathetic fallacy
what is alliteration?
it is when you repeat the same letter for two or more words (angsty animal)
what is a fact?
it is something that is true
what is an opinon?
someone’s point of veiw
what is repatition?
it is when you repeat the same word/phrase
what is a rhytorical question?
it is a question that doesn’t need an answer (‘Wouldn’t you feel happier if you could wear what you wanted to school?’)
what is emotive language?
it is words that are used to make you feel a certain way
what is satistics?
it is a fact using numbers eg percentages
what are triplets?
it is a rule where using three words/phrases it is most effective
what is personafication?
what is when you give inanimet objects human traits (the tree swayed in the wind)
what are emotions?
when your describing the feeling of the peice your are writing
what are similies?
ussally it is when you compare two nouns using words as like or as (As cold as ice.) and (Swim like a fish.)
what is onomatopoeia?
when the word reflects the meaning using sound (CRASH)
what is a metophor?
when you say an noun is another noun (Life is a highway.)