Language Change Terminology (A01) Flashcards
Prescriptivist & descriptivism
Two distinct attitudes to how language should be utilised- prescribing rules and describing and noting change
A view that advocating language is somehow being destroyed and moving away from its “golden age”
A socio-political view advocating traditional values such as order, rules and structure.
Mapping from one domain to another to describe something.
Vocal fry
Articulating a vowel sound with a croaky voice.
Rising intonation
Phenomenon whereby a statement is made to sound inquisitive with a rising tone at its close.
Computer mediated communication
Any communication made possible by computerisation and technology.
Speech community
A variety of language spoken by any defined geographical or social group.
When a language marks for masculine or feminine word such as French- English lost this largely when the vikings arrived.
Term describing the three languages we have in English today Germanic language, French and Latin.
The process by which formal ‘rules’ of a language such as spelling and grammar are agreed upon.
Linguistic imperialism
A term describing the way which language is imposed on other speakers- promoting a hierarchy of languages.