Language Arts Review Flashcards
What is a character trait?
describes a characters thoughts, actions, and words
Name the four types of conflicts
man vs. man, nature, self, society
What is a genre?
A type of literature
What words does a story in first person use?
I, my, we, us
What words does a story told in 3rd person use?
she, he, proper names
What are the elements of plot?
exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution
In what part of the plot are the characters and setting introduced?
In what part of the plot is the conflict resolved?
In what part of the plot do the events build toward the climax?
rising action
What are some signal words that show a compare/contrast text structure?
similarly, on the other hand, however
What is tone?
The author’s/narrator’s attitude toward a subject
Which text feature tells what is happening in a picture?
Which text feature shows events in order?
Which text feature tells the main idea of a page?
What text structure organizes events in order?
Which text feature makes a word stand out?
What does the prefix dis mean?
What does the prefix sub mean?
What does the prefix in mean?
Which part of the word contains a suffix?
the end
What does the suffix -ly mean?
in the manner of
What does the suffix -less mean?
What are some elements of poetry?
rhyme, rhythm, alliteration. simile, metaphor, imagery, repetition, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, personification
What is plot?
the action or sequence of events in a story
What is a context clue?
Information surrounding a word or phrase (i.e., words, phrases, sentences, or syntax) that gives clues to its meaning
What is figurative language?
Language enriched by word meanings and figures of speech (i.e., similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole)
What are some examples of different genres?
poetry, realistic fiction, historical fiction, play, and folklore
What is foreshadowing?
Hints or clues in a text that suggests what may occur later in a narrative
What is an inference?
A logical guess based on text evidence I made an inference about the child’s height when I saw his tall parents.
What is mood?
The feeling a text creates within a reader
What is paraphrasing?
A restatement of a text in a reader’s own words
What are some elements of setting?
The time and place of a story. Details can include time, day or dates, month, year, season, historical references, geographical names, landscape details, and weather elements
What is theme?
The author’s message about a topic within a text. What big ideas (war, death, friendship, loyalty etc.) did the author make you think about after reading?
What is a summary?
A recounting of the important ideas of a text-the key events/facts-not too many details