Language And Structure Techniques Flashcards
10 or more Structural Features
- Openings
- Focus
- Shifts
- Contrast
- Pace
- Repitition
- Temporal References
- Order of Events
- Endings
- Witholding Information
- Dialogue
- Headings/Subheadings
- Sentence Structures
- Paragraph Lengths (Speech Time)
- Dramatic Irony
Good Adverbs to use when describing ‘Why’ the writer has done something:
- Obviously
- Conspicuously
- Deliberatly
- Clearly
- Subtly
- Activly
- Effectively
- Cleverly
- Purposly
- Intentionally
- Consequently
- Continuously
The 4 Sentence Structures
Exclamatory: To exclaim something - To show suprise/anger
Interrogative: To auestion/interrogate someone - To ask something, rhetorically auestion something and to find pur information
Declaritive: To make a statement, or just to say something- To show somone declaring something (if a person uses lots of declaritive sentences they could like the sound of their own voice)
Imperitive: Shows a command, tells someone to do something - To show power to the speaker, making them authoritive
The 8 Language Features (+Their effect)
- Similies: Describes + amplfies a characteristic/physical appearance
- Onomatopoeia: Aids the reader to apprixiate the noise + effect it causes to a character
- Alliteration: Shifts the focus to that part of the sentence
- Personification: Increases the significance/power of an inanimate object
- Senses: Allows understanding and gives a bit more depth and perspective, while it also increases the engagement and shows extremities
- Metaphor: Describes a character/physical apperance, and is a more subtle comparison but is continued throughout a piece of text.
- Emotive Language: This provokes a strong emotion/reaction from the reader (persuading them towards your view)
- Hyperboles: These show the ferocity/impact of an action