Language and Power Flashcards
What is the first step in writing an essay?
Identifying the text e.g. advert.
Which theologist came up with the idea of identifying the text?
What is the second step in writing an essay?
Identifying who should have the power and who we’d expect to have the power.
What is the third step in writing an essay?
Identifying what type of power in shown.
Which theologist came up with identifying the power shown?
What are the 5 types of power and what do they mean?
Personal- someone’s role; political- through politics or law; social- through age, class, gender; instrumental- showing authority; influential- trying to persuade.
What is it important to do in your essay?
Give examples.
What is the fourth step in writing an essay?
Identifying an unequal encounter, power in and behind discourse.
What is included in an unequal encounter, and power in and behind dicourse?
Power asymmetry (marked difference), constraints (interruptions), formulation, powerful participants.
Who is the theorist behind power in and behind discourse, and an unequal encounter?
Fairclough 2001.
What is the fifth step in writing an essay?
What is included in lexis/grammar?
Special jargon/legalese, modality: epistemic/deontic, imperatives and declaratives.
What is the difference between epistemic and deontic modality?
Epistemic= knowledge. Deontic= obligation.
Who was the theorist who came up with the theories in lexis and grammar?
What are the 3 stages involved in analysis of adverts?
- Synthetic personalisation: direct address to set up a personal relationship. 2. Using visual elements to create an image the reader would like to be a part of. May include prior knowledge. 3. Receiver is seen as the ideal customer, exactly who they were aiming for.
Which theologist came up with advert analysis?
Fairclough 2001.
What is the sixth step in writing an essay?
Grice’s maxims and face.
What is included in Grice’s maxims and face?
Grice: quality- speaker tells the truth. quantity- the speaker doesn’t hold back or give too much information. manner- the speaker is stating information as clearly as they can. relevance- the speaker is saying things relevant t the conversation.
Face: Without politeness we lose face.
Who came up with face?
What is the seventh step in writing an essay?
What are the 4 FTAs?
Bald, positive politeness, negative politeness and indirect/ off record.
Give an example for each of the FTAs.
Bald: shut your mouth. Positive politeness: I do like your singing, but could you please be quiet? Negative politeness: I understand that you like singing, but could you be quiet now? Off the record: I really wish it could be quiet in here.
Who came up with FTAs?
Brown and Levinson.
What is included in the last step of writing an essay?
Graphology, register formality, accommodation theory/upwards and downwards convergence, doing power, humour, and IRF.
Who came up with accommodation theory?
Who came up with doing power?
Holmes and stubbes.
Who came up with humour?
Winnick and Morreal.
Who came up with IRF?
Coultard and Sinclair.
What is doing power?
The way we talk at work, how power is shown.
What does IRF mean?
Initiation, response, feedback.
What did Winnick say?
Humour can be used in the workplace to criticise authority.
What did Morreal say?
Humour can be used to maintain relationships e.g. small talk.