Language Analysis Flashcards
Adds descriptive detail to make the text more interesting
Can imply something positive or negative
Adds emphasis, reinforces the meaning
Draws attention to keywords/ideas
Triggers an emotional response
Evokes feelings of guilt, shame, concern
Fear, or conversely of pride, honour, satisfaction
Belittles opponents arguments, may lend weight to the author’s arguments
Can help the author argue from position of authority
Can strengthen argument if bias seems relevant within the context
Can undermine argument if disproportionate to context
Can sway the audience by appealing to something familiar
May alienate the discerning audience
Colourful language
Can provide humour
May offend a conservative audience
Establishes informal register
Encourages the audience to accept (subtly or truly) an implication
Paints an event or issue in a suggestive/ loaded light
Design and structure
Persuade through association
Establishes genre and context
Can manipulate emotions
Can soften and blow of difficult information or ideas
Can lend weight to an argument and increased author credibility if employed responsibly
Can undermine argument if overused or used inappropriately
Exaggeration and Hyperbole
Create a dramatic effect, often through imagery
Formal and Informal
Formal- Creates a sophisticated, authoritative style, can sound pretentious out of context
Informal- Conversational, establishes rapport with the audience, appeals to the sense of identity, can alienate if used out of context
Seeks to validate a theory or contention, sometimes dubiously
Can be inferred by a naive audience to be evidence
Can detract from ur undermine an argument if unrealistic or illogical
Gesture and body language
Helps to convey arguments and moods
Can influence a subject by making them feel either welcome or intimidated