What does FOB stand for?
Forward Operating Base
What does TOC stand for and what goes in it?
Tactical Operations Center, COC
What does MOC stand for and what goes in it?
Maritime Operations Center, COC
What are the FPCONS?
Force Protection Conditions, Normal, A,B,C,D
What are the threat level?
Low, Moderate, Significant, High
What are some safety concerns within a camp?
C-wire emplacement, weather tie downs, generators, tent stakes, etc…
What is glare lighting?
Tactically placing lighting around exterior of camp and at ECP, making it difficult to see inside
What weapons system is primarily used to counter vehicle threats?
How high should triple strand C-wire be?
6 feet
What distance at a minimum should your single strand C-wire be from your triple strand?
60 feet
At a minimum, how many ECPs should be established?
Two (2)
What angle should your ECP be setup in relation to the main traffic route?
90 degrees
What needs to be done in the BDOC prior to a VIP visit?
Sanitize area of all sensitive information
What is a RAM?
Random Antiterrorism Measure
What are the 5 objectives of a successful AT/FP Plan?
Detect, Deter, Defend, Mitigate, Recover