Landscape Architecture Flashcards
What are the principes of Loius le Roy?
A Garden is primarily ecological awareness, aesthetics and use are secondary
_Partizipation: People should be encouraged to change old ways of thinking
_The Horticultural activities are kept to a minimum (“nature arranges itself”)
_Development and processes are allowed (succession)
_Interventions as a starter for the growth of the garden (rubble mound,
seeding, selective plantings)
_Using handicraft instead of machines
_minimal care and energy costs
Some examples of Louis Le roy of Wild gardens?
Ecocathedral, Mildam (NL), since 1983
Who are the architects of Wild Garden
William Robinson,
Louis Le roy
URs Schwarz
What are the genral approaches to old and new garden heritage
Restoring the „Original“
2. „Honest Reconstruction“ while showing the cracks or missing pieces
3. „Critical or Creative Reconstruction“ while allowing changes/adaptiations/
recombinations according to nowaydays needs of users or actual style
4. „Hints to History“ showing, tracing , staging leftovers or footprints
5. Giving „Gaps and Scars“ a stage
when did garden heritage conservation establish
20 th centurr
what is the first chapter in urban scale
Venice charter in 1964
which site did Unesco recommend for
Historuc urban Landscape
what was Historic urban landscape appraoch
Cutltural diversity and creativity are th ekey assests to social educational and recreational facilities adn they also provide to tools that manage the social and physical that ensures the contemperary landscape goes well with the cutlural context
Which milestone is the minor scale
charter of florence 1981
Who adopeted the charter of Hostoric gardens ?
Internal commitee of Historic gardens
What does Historic garden defines
it defines goals- reconstruction, preservation and mainternance
What are the specidic garden monument presevation policies
All craft, artistic, intellectual, technical measures necessary for
the preservation and maintenance of cultural monuments in
the field of garden culture.
It also includes the cultural-historical classification of garden
monuments and the assessment of monument status on the
basis of legally defined criteria.
There are also overlaps with the archaeological monument
preservation and the building and art monument
Challenge: of Historic Garden
The historical garden is a structure composed mainly of plants,
that is, living material, consequently transient and renewable. Its
appearance results from a constant interplay of forces between
seasonal change, natural evolution and natural decay, on the one
hand, and the artistic as well as craft will, on the other hand,
which aims to give permanence to its condition.”
ICOMOS-IFLA: Florence Charter, 1981
What are the requirements of a data collection?
General information (owner, address, map, etc.) about the garden heritage site.
2. General information about the data collection (justification, client, date, etc.)
3. Information about any existing data collection.
4. Information about the history of the site (historical analysis):
- Survey and analysis of the primary and secondary literature;
transcription or photocopies of the available primary texts in archives and collections;
- Overview of the data collected on the garden heritage site in the form of a table
listing references used.
- Review and photocopying of historic photographs, including aerial views (possibly
also aerial photographs taken by the Allies)
- Description of the present state of research and source material (texts, plans,
illustrations, photographs), Description of Natural Environment
topography; types and quality of the soils;
Climate, depth to groundwater; nutrient content of lakes and ponds; potential
indigenous vegetation, etc.)
6. Site plan:
The technical basis for an inventory is a site plan in scale 1:1000 or 1:2000
7. Inventory Plan:
vegetation, tree inventory, Structures ,Visual effects and scenic composition, etc.
8. Inventory of Built Structures
Buildings, small architectonic features, and sculptures:
9. Photographic Record
Photographies incl. localisation and viewing direction, aerial views
Depiction of terrain sections
11. Description garden archaeological findings
(e.g excavations)
12. Inventory Text
supplementary to the plan. Design elements should be described
regarding interrelationships)
13. Documentation Conservation Work Activities
What are the measures of schauffen cemetry
The main character has to be preseved and restored to its original
Entrance of the gate has to redefined
the prrenials adn shrubs are herbaceous and they are planted along the periphery
furniture has to be redesigned
The asphalt road that is adjacent to the site is being well adapted with chipping
there are three 3 mission states short term, medium term, long term with on going measures were implemented
Define lost in Tranlation
Historical Landscape designs that are translated into present landscape designs are being lost with lack of reflection.Thr translation from past to nowadays gives an impact of poor , lost and empty with no deep sense of no tracebale traditional concepts , design intent
Example of Garden heritage projects
hambach Castle
Which is the most ancient garden
how sumerians represnted and When
That triangle diagram and ariund 3000 bc
what do you mean by Shaduf
Shaduf is an old irrigation agricultural device to raise or throw
When was chinese landscape garden found and when were they documented
found around 1000- 1100 b.c . Inspired form the religion of taosim and doucmetation of row of trees were from 600 b.c. Inspired from poetic and paintings
wo influenced whom initially ?
greek influenced romans
who told not everything can grow with ivy not only walls, promenades , pillars, statues
which is the first vegetal element found in an architecural column
acanthus leaves, cornithian pillar
Where was wall painting done in italy
Pompeii style
Where does the term garden derive
Refuge indon european ghorotto means fenced walls or willows
what does the term mittelalter,Renaissance, and Aufkralang
Mittelalter has no enclore , renaisance has one and aufkralanga has none
Which is the predecessor of Rennaisance garden ?
Reconstruction of Pliny’s Villa
What is the Concept of Hortus Conclusus?
In an enclised gardenth eboundary is teh garden where th eheaven and earth converge and the buildings ar ethe earth of mass
NAME AN EXAMPLE of this concept of Hortus conclusus
Sintergarden in Duisburg, Nord
What are the types of Medival garden
kitchen garden, infirmary garden, Cloister garth,Cemetry orchard
What is the symbolic and religious interpretation of medival garden
garden = paradise, floral symbolsim , enclosed garden, four fold divison ,
Roser= virgin mary,
Vines- JEsus christ
Example of a medival garden
St.Gallen monastery, Switzerlnad. 840 Bc
NAme an example of a christian Garden
Gardens of the World 2012, Raleis Architects, Berlin
NAme the traditional Elements found in Persion garden
Chahar bagh, fountains, water chanels, Trees of plantaion , ex: cedadar , flower beds, wall enclosure, frangrance, geometric tile work
What is the geometric tile work called in persian
Who called garden is the artificial nature
Robert musil
What does term nature
Phenomenal, physical world that included human beings, living plants , nature , animals and landscape
Anti thesis to nature and opponent to culture
Also they are free from values,, emotinal, aesthetic adn religious virtues
They are projection of surfaces tthat has ideas and emotions and actions
What are the dialetical fields?
Physical, emotional, aesthetical cuture (PEA C)
Rational abstract form
good Vs Evil nature
What are the 6 phases of relationship between human and nature
stonage, classical, 16 th centurey
17 th century 18th century and now
What does wild garden mean ?
- not priortising to sever human beings
- no care needed, leaves need not be maintained, to encourage biodiversity of plants and animals
What are the aims of aan wild garden
- interg. appraoch betw man and nature
-focus on landscape, ( nature as a gardener) - encourage wild plants and animals
-sustainable constructions - lil maintenance
-image of natural grwn gardens - organic forms and spcaces
who wrote Wild garden
William robinson
what did william robinson state in his book
All true and great froms of art are based on eternal flaws of nature
examples of Wild garden
Cottage garden 1905
What does Louis Roy state ?
In a garden , nature as a master and the owner is the apprenticen1973
Who wrote NAtur der Garter
Urs Schwarz
What are the prnciples of URs Schwarz
Work wth existing, Local, cutlural, Pre industrial, agricultural
use local context
Untamed forces of nature
always in search of Harmonious search of NAture and landscape unity
Principles of Kasseleaner therory
Phytosociolgy- Plants tell how to use
Seedings of Plants
Lil care or maintenace
Interventions are starte for growth
Users adn traces are his designers
couser spactial arrangement in his draft
What are the implementations of the wild garden
Wild playground ,
pre indudstrial landscaeps
Public garden
Foundation nature based companies
spcae different state of succesion
What is metabolic movement Called and when did it evolve ?
Shinchintusa, Late 1950 to early of 1970
Who started the metabolic movement?
Kisho Kurukawa, Kezo tange
What kisho and kenzo critized ?
/incr.Age of mechanisim procdution as = Anti nature and Anti landscape
aRCHITECURE AN DCITIES ARE EVOLVING AND EMULATION THAT IS MORE FLEXIBLE ADN DYNAIC THAT INVolves, recyl, replenishing, regeneratin, dismantilin acco to human needs and time
NAme an example of MEtabolisitc movement Garden
Gustav Lange 1997
Jarden de normadie
embroidiaries, ORchard, exhuberant way of protecting planting
what does peit ouldof say
garden as a living picture. Not everything has to flower at the same time, Sound garden
You cannot completly rule it, you can edit it
When did English Landscape Evolve and what it did to baroque
19 C , Baroque came to an end, invsible enclosure
Who told Back to nature
Jea Jacques Rousseau
What did scottish Philospher tel about mind
Mind is a kind of theatre , rides like a stroll along the winding english garden path with changing perspectives and views
intergrated man and nature approach
-Idealitic nature
-reflection of Democratci civil society into landscape gardens
-Picturesque Settings
_ wORKINg with Existing Landscape
-Naturalistic forms
Choreagraphed , winding pathwyas
-suprising visual axis
No hidden visaul axis betw garden and landscape
Pastoral settings
-Architectural follies
Single tree, Clumps of Trees, Wide lwans
-Plants use diffrent shades of green
What is HAha
Invisible Fences are called aha haha
What is an example of Anglo chinese garden
G.L.L.Le Rouge,
Example of Poetic and Sentimental Landscapes
Peacock island - Peter Joseph Lenne 1793
What is an ornamented farm ?
Hybrid of English and farmland
What are the PRo’s and Cons of Ferne orne
Pros–the whole of property with vegetaion tha benfits to the owner is also a kind of pleasure
Coms- Farmer destroys his propery to construct ferne ornee , therf, it is poinltess to sacrifice his income for his pleasure
Example of ornamented Farm
Leasower shropspire 1763
When did Public garden evolve
19 c
What is the concept of Publi cgarden ?
Strong Aesthetic oreintation base (SAO) is turned into Open based design for social , educational and recreational purposes?
wHICH IS THE PRedeccsor of Volkspark ?
name an example of an Volkagarden
Lust garden Berlin , Peter Jospeh Lenee 1940
Which is called the Garden of the future with a combination of allotemnetn garden
Harry Maasz, 1915
What are the Aims of a Public or a volksgarden ?
to easy the disadvantage of Indust. revolvut
- social + health motivated planning
-incr. in active adn recreational faciliteis
what are the char. Public Garden ?
Garden as the centre point-+ Multifunctional spaces
surrounded by small scale industries
Play and sport facilities
passages width is reduces to facilate network
What are the element in a Public garden
sand game setaings, drinking water faciliter/.///////
Name an example of Public Garden / Volkspark ?
Schillers’ Park Berlin FReidrich Baus
What is Mordern Landscape ?
20 c. Combination of A + Rapid + Mordernation of soceity
What are the International Styles Mordernism
Neus Baus
Neus Sachilitz
Post war Mordernism
/What are the Aims of a Mordern LAndscape
man and tech are growing rapidly in an positive way
-simple form
Fundamental forms and elements = overhiming complextiy chaos
Connecting indoor and outdoor spaces
Standarization as a potential .
Charac : Modern Landscape
REduced formalism in appearence
-Geometric forms
Form follows function
use of Concrete and steel
REduced biodiversity of plants
no longer ornamentation
conncting indoor and outdoor spcaes
examples of Modern LAndscpae ?
Albert Lipparde , Villa MAgdalena 1926-1928``
What is schreibgarden ? allotment Garden
Due to growin cities, of industrial revolution, Health adn food sectors are more importantq
Example ? for an Allotment Garden
Ceaser Theoder Sorensen DK
whay did garden City evolve ?
Due to Poor living and Hosuing conditons
Who worte make it new
Pound ERza
Who told Green structures as a key element ?
Ebenezer howard
What did libreicht miggie state ?
self suff
Eco, sustainable, greening in the facade
Water managemen
Reacre, Aesth, sophic (RAS) facilties
Community shared spaces with social aspects
NAme a garden designed by LE- Corbusier
nemours, 1925, Villa radieruse 1935
What did Roberto Muerlo MAx state
Garden = Aesthic + Plastic Intensions
WHERE TRaditional and conventionall froms are converted into non
Example of Post Mordern LAndscape ?
Piazza d’ italio, Charler morrea 1975-1980 , NEw Orleans
What are the Aims of Post modern LAndscape?
reduced formalism - introducing international stules
Answ and responding to more geomtric shaped into vivid shapes
ornamentaion is no longer a crime
REconsidering the experssional adn symbolistic value of tradioanl elements and forms
What is a philosphical back
Gilles leuz ( Post structuralism )
Jacques Pervisa ( Deconst
What are the cha: Post Modern ?
Traditonal use of elemetns
Form follows it own couse
Story telling
non orthogoanl shapes and angles
unothodox arch elemts
Projection of these shapes on surfaces
Use of bright colors
Example of PM
Barcleona PArc
What are the PM styles IMplem in Contem
When did Renainsance emerge ?
End of the 15 Centurry
What symbol for the Aesthetic Thinking of Renaisance ?
Vitruvian MAn
What are the aims of the Renaisance ?
-Pleasure to the sight of views in to landscape adn perspectives to garden
- Contemplation
- Sense of Sound and Smell
-( going back to roots) influence of greek and roman culture
-Demonst. Power and Luxury
- Humainistic ideals
What are the design elements in Renai?
- more large and symmetrical
-Water tricks
Sacred wood- Sacro bosco
-Enclosed garden
-medicinal garden - ghrottoes- Playing with fear, dark, spirits and fairies
-Terraces, topography
What is the influen?ce of antique culture in the renaisance garden
You should have rare plants , trees should be aligned adn arranged evenly. Each tree should be evenly arranged iwth its neughbiurs.
How was the power of gardens with splendor used?
the florential dynasty of Medici used the power of gardens with splendor to show political power, finanacial and glory
NAme an example of an power of gardens with splendor?
Villa medici in Fieosk -1460
Example of Renaisance?
Villa Lante,
Villa este d’ tivoli -1560
Villa petricia
Fountain d’Diana
Which was the example of Renaisance with high imperial style
Sacro Bosco -1570
When did Baroque Evolve
17 C joined later with French Garden
From where Baroque Garden Derive ?
ITalian Renaisance
Rene descartes- 1596-1650
Who is founder of Baroque Garden
Rene descartes- 1596-1650
What are the Aims of Baroque Garden ?
Denstroiste power and ;uxury
Manipulated adn controlled nature and landscape
no end- endlessness
impressign the specatators
Celebrating life and staginging events
Garden follows ————-Architectural forms
Strong awarness of human transcience
Exbhurent lust fro life
What are the Prinicples of Baroque
Architecture is the centre of the garden
- follows sumetrical oder,
Pricipal axis is always perpendiaular
Trees adn shrubs are aligned in a straight line or aligned along with geometry
- Shrubs are trimmed at a specific height
What are the Design Elemensts in Baroque ?
Parterres, Embroidaiaries,
Large axis which is extending beyond
Goose foot
Soil types Construction was fast
Water systems ( aqau ducts)
Shaping fountains - used diffrent types of nossles
Andre le Notre buidlings ?
Villa Vicomte 1656-1661
Versailles -1662-1700
Chateau de chintally