Landmarks - Maxillary, Mandibular, Filling Materials Flashcards
What type of bone is represented in this picture?

Cortical Bone
What type of bone is represented in this picture?

Cancellous Bone
What two bone structures are represented in this picture?

Alveolar Bone & Alveolar Crest
The radiopaque line surrounding the tooth in this picture is called what?

Lamina Dura
The radiolucent area in the center of the tooth is called what? (the green arrow)

Pulp Chamber
What is letter A in the picture pointing out?

What is letter B pointing out in the picture?

What structures are being pointed out in the following picture?

Hamular Process and Hamular Notch
What radiolucent structure is being pointed out in the following picture?

Maxillary Sinus
What radiopaque structure is being pointed out in the following picture?

Septa in the Maxillary Sinus
What is the radiopaque buldge pointed out in the following picture?

Maxillary Tuberosity
This structure is a j or u shaped radiopacity that exists above the maxillary molars, what is it?

Zygomatic Process
What radiolucent structure is pointed out in this picture?

Incisive Foramen
What is the large radiolucent area above the maxilla?

Nasal Cavity
What is the radiopaque partition pointed out in the following picture?

Nasal Septum