Landmark Trials Flashcards
Objective of the European Glaucoma Prevention Study
To evaluate the efficacy of IOP reduction by dorzolamide in preventing or delaying the development of POAG in patients with OHT
Sample in European Glaucoma Prevention Study
Treatment groups in European Glaucoma Prevention Study
Dorzolamide vs Placebo in preventing or delaying the development of POAG in patients with OHT
No difference (EGPS)
Risk factors for conversion of OHT to POAG
Both EGPS and OHTS: Older age Larger vertical cup–disc ratio Worse PSD (pattern standard deviation) Reduced CCT (central corneal thickness)
EGPS only:
Greater vertical cup–disc asymmetry
OHTS only:
Higher IOP
Objective of Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study
To evaluate the safety and efficacy of topical glaucoma medications in preventing or delaying the onset of POAG in patients with OHT
Sample in OHTS
IOP of 24–32 in one eye, 21–32 in the other eye, without evidence of glaucomatous damage (normal VF, normal discs)
Treatment groups in OHTS
Treatment (topical glaucoma medications to reduce IOP 20% and ≤ 24 mm Hg)
Ocular hypertension: Treat or observe?
EGPS: Observe.
OHTS: Observe low-risk, treat high-risk.
OHTS results
Treatment delays onset of glaucoma
Treating abnormally elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) with topical medications delays or prevents the onset of glaucomatous damage
Higher probability of glaucomatous conversion in observation group
Risk categories for OHT
Low Moderate High
IOP (mmHg) <23.75 23.75-25.75 >25.75
CCT (uM) >588 555-588 <555
Vertical C/D <0.30 0.30-0.50 >0.50
How to treat OHT in terms of risk
High risk = close follow-up and some from early treatment
Low-risk = less frequent follow-up and may not need early treatment.
When do you consider observation in OHT patients?
Consider observation before treatment in some patients (e.g. low-risk patients).
Only 10 or 20 percent of people with ocular hypertension eventually develop glaucoma
Aim of Collaborative Normal-Tension Glaucoma Study (CNTGS)
To determine whether reducing IOP favorably influenced the course of normal-tension glaucoma (NTG)
NTG: Treat or observe?
Lowering IOP is an effective treatment for NTG.
Glaucoma progression was slower in the treated group than in the untreated group
Treatment groups in CNTGS
Treatment (glaucoma medications, laser, and/or surgery to reduce IOP by 30%)
Risk factors for NTG progression
Female gender
Non-Asian race
Disc hemorrhages
Aim of Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial (EMGT)
To evaluate the effectiveness of reducing IOP in patients with open-angle glaucoma
Sample of Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial (EMGT)
Newly-diagnosed OAG
Treament groups of Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial (EMGT)
Treatment (ALT and betaxolol)
Observation (left untreated until signs of progression appeared)
OAG: Treat or observe?
Treat IOP early. Lowering IOP is effective in decreasing the rate of progression in patients with newly diagnosed open-angle glaucoma (EMGT)
According to EMGT, every 1 mmHg of IOP reduction was associated with a risk reduction of ___%
Risk factors for progression of OAG
Bilateral disease IOP, higher at baseline MD, worse Older age Disc hemorrhages, recurrent Exfoliation syndrome
An important pressure-independent risk factor for progression of OAG according to EMGT
Exfoliation syndrome