Landfill & Hazardous Chemicals Flashcards
What is the current strategy for reducing waste to landfill?
1) Waste prevention and minimisation
2) Recycle/ Reuse
3) Transformation
4) Landfill
What is Landfill?
- carefully designed structure built into or on top of the ground in which trash is isolated from the surrounding environment (groundwater, air, rain).
- This isolation is accomplished with a bottom liner and daily covering of soil.
- A sanitary landfill uses a clay liner to isolate the trash from the environment
What pollution is caused by Landfill?
1) Leachate
2) Gas Emissions
3) Odour
Why is monitoring and managing gases produced in landfill important?
Harmful gases such as methane can escape through surrounding soil.
What are the Landfill gas production pattern Phases?
1) Aerobic Degradeable waste + O2 = CO2 + H20 + biomass + heat 2) Anoxic (Acid Phase) Degradeable waste = CO2 + H20 + biomass + Organic acids 3) Anaerobic, Methanogenic, Unsteady CH4 4) Anaerobic, Methanogenic, Steady CH4
How can Methane from Landfill be converted into electricity?
1) Waste disposed in landfill
2) A pipe system collects methane produced by the waste
3) This is transferred to a methane to electricity facility
4) Transmission to electric grid
What is the difference between passive and active LFG control measures?
Passive - land fill vents, permeable trenches
Active - Forced gas extraction systems
What is Leachate?
Leachate is any liquid that in passing through matter, extracts solutes, suspended solids or any other component of the material through which it has passed.
What does a leachate management strategy consist of?
1) Reduction - i.e. reduce the volume of water contacting with waste
2) Containment - collect and store
3) Treatment - Reduce harmful nature
4) Disposal - maintain a safe & cost effective mechanism for disposal of leachate from the site
What is the equation for the amount of leachate produced at a landfill site?
LC = PR + SRT – EP – SRO – ST Where LC = leachate PR = precipitation SRT = surface run to (should be zero for a well designed landfill) EP = evaporation SRO = surface run off ST = change in water storage (changes as a result of chemical decomposition of the waste
Why is clay used as a liner?
1) swells when water is added
2) causes exchangeable ions to be held weakly between layers
3) particles are small - low hydraulic conductivity
4) Strong bonds formed across layers
What is the future for landfill?
1) Concept of sustainable landfill
2) Landfill mining close to large scale relaisation
How do landfill sites treat leachate?
- usually on site treatment due to sensitive sewers
- Reed beds
- nutrients taken by plants - clean enough to discharge
- robust treatment with minimal maintenance
What are inorganic and organic hazardous compounds?
Inorganic - heavy metals
Organic - anything with carbon
Inorganic contaminant sources
1) Mining / smelting
2) Electronics industry
3) Paints / Pigments
4) Chemical Industry
5) Corrosion
6) Agriculture
7) Forestry
8) Fossil fuel combustion