Land V Leasehold Covenants Flashcards
Cut off date for old lease and new lease
1 Jan 1996
3 important must-have covenants for a lease covenant
3 implied terms
Express covenant:
rent; use and not to assign/sublet (alienation)
Implied terms:
Quiet enjoyment
Protection of eviction
Additional provisions for rules on assignment and sublease of lease
s. 19 LTA: the landlord cannot unreasonably withhold consent
s. 1 LTA the land must give an answer to the request within a reasonable time
s. 22 LT(C)A 1995 - for new leases (after 1 Jan 1996) the landlord is entitled to require the tenant to enter into an AGA on assignment
Meaning of quiet enjoyment
Tenant protected from interference with his possession and enjoyment of property by the landlord or someone claiming title through the landlord (Kenny v Preen)
Regular Excessive noise - but doesn’t apply to things done before the grant of tenancy (Southwak LBC v Mills)
Acts that are forbidden under the Protection from Eviction Act
s. 1(2) unlawful for the landlord to deprive the tenant of occupation if does so without belief/reasonable cause to believe the tenant ceased to live there
s. 1(3) it is only an offence for the landlord to attempt to interfere with the tenant’s peace/comfort if the act is done with the intention of causing the tenant to give up residence
Rules on landlord’s repair responsibilities
s.11 LTA 1985 - the landlord must keep in good repair and working order for:
structure/exterior of the dwelling house
water, gas, electricity, sanitation installations; and
heating and water heating
Case law on landlord’s repair responsibilities
O’Brien v Robinson
Quick v Taff Ely BC
Warren v Keen
O’Brien v Robinson: to repair, the landlord must be notified
Quick v Taff Ely BC (must be genuine disrepair, not just inconvenience)
Warren v Keen: tenants obliged to do reasonable jobs of repair
Meaning of current landlord and current tenant for
old lease
new lease
Old Lease: the current landlord has the benefit of the tenant’s covenant (s.141 LPA) and the burden of original covenants (s.142 LPA) provided that the covenants have ‘reference to the subject matter of the lease’
The current tenant has the benefit of the landlord’s covenants and burden of the tenant’s covenant that touch and concern the land (spencer’s case)
New Lease: the current landlord has the benefit of the tenant’s covenant (s.3(3)(b)) and the burden of original covenants (s.3(3)(a)) provided that they are not expressed as personal
The current tenant has the benefit of the landlord’s covenants (s.3(2)(b)) and burden of the tenant’s covenant (s.3(2)(a)) that they are not expressed as personal
For old leases, touch and concern the land means:
P&A swift investments v combined English stores group plc
covenant benefits landlord/tenant only while they own the land;
covenant affects the nature, quality, mode of use and value of the land
covenant is not expressed as personal
all the above are satisfied and covenants to pay money if the covenant is connected with something to be done on that land
For an old lease, the burden of lease lies with whom if the lease is assigned/sublet?
Under privity of contract, the burden for duration of lease continues even the tenant reassigns
If the subtenant defaults on rent on an old lease, what can the current landlord do to recover rents in arrears?
the current landlord can serve notice and seek to recovers missed rents on lessee (not the subtenants) if 6 months of fixed charge (e.g. rents) becoming owed to the landlord by the subsequent tenant.
Moule v Garret - if the lessee settles the current tenant’s debt, he can seek to recover the amount he has paid from the person who is in breach
For an old lease, an indemnity covenant is implied under s.77 LPA (unreg) and sch 12 para 20 LRA (Reg) so lessee can always have right to recover arrears settled on behalf of the subtenant.
For a new lease, the burden of lease lies with whom if the lease is assigned/sublet from the LANDLORD?
Incoming landlord
On assignment/sale, outgoing landlord can ask the lease to be released (s.6(2)(a) LT(C)A)
If the subtenant defaults on rent on a new lease, what can the current landlord do to recover rents in arrears?
current landlord/lessee can sue:
subtenant who has given an AGA
the current tenant
if the landlord/lessee is suing
if the landlord is suing a former tenant for the outstanding payment/services of the current tenant, notice may be served on former tenant within 6 months (S17 LT(C) A)
For a new lease, the burden of lease lies with whom if the lease is assigned/sublet from the Lessee/tenant/subtenant?
the lease will be automatically released, assignor cease to benefit from the landlord covenant
The landlord/lessee/tenant/subtenant can mandate that the tenant must guarantee the performance of assignee (AGA)
Moule v Garrett will still be in operation
For a commercial lease, what kind of rights does s.22 LT(C)A confer?
the landlord can agree with the tenant that the landlord may withhold consent to an assignment under certain conditions
Remedies if tenant breaches covenant to pay rent
Action for debt
Commercial rent arrears recovery
Explain action for debt
s.19 Limitation Act 6 years
if the defendant is a former tenant, notice must be served within 6 months
Explain Commercial rent arrears recovery
Sch 12 Tribunals, Courts & Enforcement Act -
Recovery is subject to a minimum amount of arrears, which is seven day’s rent
Enforcement agent serves notice that binds the tenant’s good until debt paid
Requirements for the landlord to take forfeiture actions;
a landlord will have a right to forfeit where:
the lease contains a forfeiture clause
the lease is granted subject to a condition that the landlord may forfeit it on the occurrence of some event
When an event triggering a forfeiture happens, what are the options for the landlord?
the lease does not end automatically. the landlord can forfeit the lease or affirm it. if the latter course is chosen, the landlord is said to have waived the breach. the decision one made is binding on the landlord.
Methods of forfeiture
peaceable reentry - however, to dwelling houses under s,2 Protection from Eviction Act reentry is not allowed without a court order whilst a person is lawfully residing at the premises) * Human Rights Act 1998 implications
start forfeiture proceedings
Explain relief from forfeiture
If the landlord seeks to end the lease, the tenant may well seek relief from forfeiture. As long as the tenant acts reasonably swiftly and pays the arrears
of rent and costs, relief will usually be granted. (s.146(2) LPA)
The consequence of for violence and threats of violence to obtain possession of the premises
it is a criminal offence under s.6 criminal law act 1977
Remedies for other breaches of lease covenant other than rent
damages: contract law
specific performance: only granted when damages is insufficient
injunction: equitable remedy for restrictive covenant
self help by means of set-off: where landlord fails to perform an obligation, tenant will have the right to carry out repairs themselves and then deduct the cost from the rent payable (Taylor v Beal)
for this to apply the tenant must first have notified the landlord of the need to perform these obligations before resorting to set-off (Lee-Parker v Izzet)