Land use 7 Agriculture Flashcards
(pest control & Irrigation)
Types of farming
Commerical and Subsistence
Commerical Farming
Nearly all livestok and crops are cultivated with the intention of selling
Large lots of land and lots of machines
Econoimcal and modern
Subsistence Farming
- Nearly all livestock and crops are used to maintain the farmer’s family (little community)
- Low area, low amount to sell, not really reliant of machinery
What’s the Greenhouse Revolution
A shift away from small, family operated farms to large industrial-scale agribusiness
alter genetics to growm
What did the Green Revolution increase
What is Mechanization
Use of heavy machinery in commerical farming; costly but effient
soil compact decreases water
What is Irrigation
Supply of water o land or crops outside the natural water cycle
ex Drip, Spray,Flood, and Furrow
Types of Irrigation
Holes in hose slowly drip out water
Types of irrigation
Water pumped into nozzle and sprayed out
Types of Irrigation
Flood the whole field
Types of Irrigation
Trenches dug along crops and filled with water
Irrigation types pros and cons
Drip & Spray
Pros- efficient avoids water logginh conserves water
Cons- Expensive & requires more management
Irrigation types pros and cons
Flood and Furrow
Pros- Easy cheaper
Cons- High water loss and water logging
Irrigations terms
Over saturation of soil fill all soil pores space with water and suffocated plants
Irrigation terms
Soild Salinization
Salt buliding up in soil over time, evaporating and leaving salt deposits behind
Irrigation terms
Over Withdrawal
Farm pump out of aquaifers water at fast rates compared to its recharge
Biggest aquaifer in America is Ogallala in Nebraska to texas
Required to replace lost orgainic matter from plants and animals; contail essential nutrients from plants
Additives to soil
Types of Fertilizers
- Produced commericiall with fossil fuels
- can add any nutrient (NPK)
Types of fertilizers
Composed of organic matter from plants and animals
(mostly Mannre or compost)
Pros and cons
Synthetic Fertilizers
Pros:Easily adaptable
Targets specific crops or nutrients
Higher yield ot profit
Cons: Costly
Can cause Eutrophication
Eutrophication: excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently due to runoff from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life and death of animal life from lack of oxygen.
pros and cons
Organic Fertilizers
Pros: Increases CEC water reatantion and adds nutrients
Cons: Takes longer time, high demand with low supply, simple but really messy
Chemical sprayed on crops that kill need insects rodents and otehr pest that eat or damage
Canbe soild (powder) liquid or aerosol mist
Types of Pesticides
Types of Pesticides
4 types
Broad: Kills many types of pest
Selecive: Targets narrow range of organizms
Persistent: Remain in environment for a lon time
Non-Persistent: Break down pest
Pros Eas response
Pros and Cons
Pros: Easy response and efficient
Cons: Kill unwanted species,resistence overtime, runoff, and disrupts endocrine and nervous system
Crops that have been scientifically manuplated for desirable traits
ex Strawberries are bigger now bc of GMOs
Gentically motified orgainsms
Pros and Cons
Pros: Increases profitbaility and more crops
Cons: diversity decrease, more likly to get dieases, hard to regulate, Human perception
Main Ag practices
Large planting of a single crops species at a time
Pros: efficent harvest and application
Cons: Low biodiversity, increase of erosion
More vulnerable to pest
lower over soil quality
Main Ag practices
Alluring rows of crops; 2 or more species planted in the same field
Main Ag practices
Mixing and breakng upsoil to lossen roots and plants easier
Causes: increased erosion, loss of nutrients, lower WHC
WHC: Water holding capacity
Main Ag practices
No- Till
Farmers do not turn soild between seasons to reduce erosion
Causes: decrease organic matter in soil and harder to plant
Sustainable Ag practices
Crop rotation
Plowing parallel to natural slopes of land to prevent runoff and erosion
Sustainable Ag practices
Intercroppong trees with other crops to reduce erosion
Sustainable Ag practices
Contour Plowing
Crop species are rotated from season to season reduce erosion and allow nutrients to replentish
Sustainable Ag practices
Cuttign flat Platforms of soil into a steep stone to prevent runoff and erosion