Land Use Flashcards
Situations where someone is claiming they can make affirmative use of the land
- easements
- profits
- licences
Situations where someone is claiming they can dictate how the land is to be used?
- real covenants
2. equitable servitudes
Checklist for easements:
- was a valid easement created
- are there any issues related to the scope
- are the arguments for termination
How is an easement created?
- express agreement upon the parties creating an easement (writing sufficient to satisfy statute of frauds)
- easement by prescritpion
- easement conveyance/implied
- easement by necessity
How is an easement by prescription created?
Adverse possession in the easement world. using the land continuously for the statutory period
- physical
- mental
- statute
How is an easement by conveyance created?
There is a conveyance and we will imply an easement if
- there was common ownership on the dominant and servient estate and there is severance
- at the time of severance the easement is already there (prior use)
- Reasonable necessary that easement exists
Servient estate v. dominant estate
servient estate = harmed by easement
dominant estate = served by the easement
How is an easement by necessity created?
- there was common ownership on the dominant and servient estate and there is severance
+ - strictly necessary or absolutely necessary
Easement by public use requirements
easement by prescription but
No one person is using the property continuously for the statutory period but the public is
What is easement appurtenant?
an easement that benefits a parcel of land
Will be dominant and servient estate
What is an easement in gross?
an easement benefits a person or entity
Just a servient estate
What is the scope of easements?
If express easement states what it is, then it is confined
If not, then can make reasonable use of easement
What is surcharging the easement?
Overusing the easement, going outside the scope of reasonable use of easement
Not grounds for termination: can be sued for damages or enjoined
What can a holder do to maintain an easement?
What is reasonably necessary to maintain the easement, even if it interfers with the servient owner’s use of his property
When does an easement terminate?
- destruction of the servient estate
- termination from the easement holder
- termination arising from the action of owner of the servient estate
- Necessity ends
When does destruction of the servient estate terminate an easement?
It will, unless the owner destroys it to prevent the easement
How can an easement holder terminate an easement?
- Merger: same person at the same time acquires ownership of dominant and servient estate (disappears, not auto recreated)
- Written release of rights to easement
- Abandonment
- Estoppel
- Severance
In order for an easement to terminate by abandonment?
- actual abandonment
+ - words or conduct to indicate abandonment
In order for an easement to terminate by estoppel?
Easement holder leads the owner of the servient to believe they wish to terminate
servient estate detrimentally relies
In order for an easement to terminate by severance?
Only works for easement appertunate
-any attempt to severe the estate from the dominate estate will severe (transfer)
How can an owner of the servient estate terminate an easement?
- Prescription
2. Sale of the servient estate to a bona fide purchaser
How can an owner of the servient estate terminate an easement by prescription?
continuously interfering with the easement for the statutory period