Land Use Flashcards
Growing season is very short due to cold temperatures and high altitudes
This means that hill sheep farming is one of the only options
Many slopes are to steep for large machinery such as combine harvesters
That is so often needed for farming
Sheep are hardy animals
And have thick wool which enables them to survive in the harsh conditions
Sheep are sure footed
Allowing them to survive on the mountainous land
Upland areas often have infertile ,
Thin soil leaking crops cannot be grown here
Farm diversification
Helps to boost the farmers income when they use other ventures such as farm shops
Visiting a farm means
People experience the outdoors and the rural landscapes
Rising tourist numbers in rural areas
Cause traffic in congested areas and can lead to air pollution
Increased litter
ruins the look of the area and can be a choking hazard for nearby livestock
Rivers and lochs
Used for water sports may become polluted