Land Transport Act 1998 Flashcards
What are the license types? And their conditions:
Learners - accompanied by supervisor with 2 years on full license
- must carry license
- must display 2xL plates
Restricted - must carry license
- when driving between 10pm-5am must be accompanied by supervisor
- if carrying passengers must be accompanied by supervisor
Full-must carry license
What are the 4 classes of driving standards? And example
- Inconsiderate: driving at slow speeds hindering traffic.
- Careless: indicating left but turning right
3.Dangerous: travelling at 80kph in a 50kph zone.=S35
- Reckless: knowingly trying to outrun a police car, deliberately driving through a stop sign at 100kph=S35
S113 LTA1998?
D:direct a person in road to give: name, dob, occupation, address, phone number etc…
I: Inspect, test examine breaks and other vehicle parts
M:Move any vehicle if they believe it’s unsafe or road or obstructing.
D:Direct the driver to remove the vehicle from the road.
F:Forbid an unlicensed driver to drive motor vehicle.
F:Forbid a person operating a transport service without license to operate it.
D:Direct traffic whether animal or vehicle
S114(1)LTA 1998?
Officer In uniform or badge can demand drivers (whether or not they’re the owner of the vehicle) to provide details.
S114(6) LTA 1998?
You can arrest if they fail to stop or refuse to supply you with details
S115(1) LTA 1998?
Green sticker, Power to direct not to be driven on road if it fails to comply with regulations or rules. (Tinted windscreen, defective exhaust)
S115 (3)LTA 1998?
Pink sticker
Power to direct vehicle not to be driven on road if it is not safe condition to be driven on road. E,g: illegal modifications or structural rust
S118 LTA 1998?
Enforcement officer may require the owner or hirer of any vehicle to give within 14 days any information that may lead to identification and apprehension of the driver. (Asian tourists English 2nd language)
S119 LTA 1998?
-Powers of entry onto any premises to carry out Breath alcohol testing.
-Power enter building or place where vehicle is stored to seize and impound vehicle without warrant if:
E.g You believe it may be concealed or destroyed.
S121 LTA 1998?
Taking keys and forbidding to drive.
F)orbid person to drive for specified time
A)ll keys to be surrendered
R)ender vehicle immobile
M)ove vehicle causing hazard or obstruction
E)BA offender must be forbidden to drive for 12hrs
D)irect that person to drive to a specified place if they have exceeded their driving hours.
S121(4) LTA 1998?
Power of arrest if they fail to comply with conditions
S122 LTA 1998?
Power to seize vehicle for 12 hours if it’s in the interest of public safety. This is a last resort…
S123 LTA 1998?
Power to seize and impound car for upto 10 working days in order to preserve evidence, scientific examination. If the driver failed to stop in accordance for S114.
S95 LTA 1998? ? (7)
28 day driver license suspension
-Breath alcohol over 650 mcg
-Breath alcohol over 400mcg and has been convicted for any relevant offences in the last 4 years.
-blood alcohol over 130mgm
-blood alcohol over 80mgm and has been convicted of any relevant offences for late 4 years.
-person refused/failed to give blood test on request.
-person drove 40mm over speed limit.
-person drove over 50kph of temporary speed limit
S96 LTA 1998??
circumstances in which police must impound vehicles for 28 days
-operated vehicle in a race, speed acceleration.
-without reasonable excuse of operating the vehicle in that manner, that caused loss of traction.