Land, Soil and Water Resources Flashcards
What is soil?
Soil is the loose covering of fine rock particles that covers the surface of the earth.
What does soil consist of?
It consists of weathered particles of rocks brought down by agents of erosion (water, wind, glaciers). It also consists of decaying organic matter and minerals.
What is “fertility of soil”?
Fertility of soil refers to its ability to produce vigorous growth in plants.
What determines the fertility of soil?
The right mix of minerals and organic matter, and the ability to retain the correct amount of moisture determines the fertility of soil.
How long does it take for soil to form?
The time taken for soil to form can range from 200 to several thousands of years.
What are soil horizons?
The various layers of soil are known as soil horizons.
What is soil profile?
The manner in which soil horizons are arranged is called soil profile. The soil profile is different in different places.
What are the main layers of soil?
Topsoil (A)
Subsoil (B)
Parent Material (C)
Bedrock (R/D)
Describe topsoil.
Topsoil is dark in colour, has fine texture, a high content of organic matter/humus and is vital for plant growth.
Describe subsoil.
Subsoil is the layer below topsoil; it consists of sand, silt and clay but has only minor amounts of organic matter.
Describe parent material.
The parent material consists of unconsolidated rock material from which layers A and B are formed. This layer has no humus or soil structures.
Describe bedrock.
Bedrock lies below the C horizon and consists of soild rock.
What is the ICAR?
ICAR is the Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
What is alluvial soil?
Rich and fertile soil formed by the depositional action of rivers. Rivers transport eroded material from their higher reaches and deposit this material on their banks as they reach the plains.
Where is alluvial soil found in India?
Indo-Gangetic Plains and deltaic regions of the peninsular belt. It covers almost 24% of India’s land area.
What is black soil also known as? Why does it develop wide cracks during summer?
Regur soil or cotton soil. The deep and clayey soil swells when wet and contracts when dry. Therefore it develops wide cracks during summer.
What is black soil used for?
It is ideal for the growth of cotton. It is also good for cultivation of cereals, pulses, oil seeds, citrus fruits and vegetables.
Where is black soil found in India?
In the basaltic Deccan Plateau in the states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, parts of Gujarat and Karnataka, Telengana, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.
“Red soil is sandy and red in colour” True/False? Why?
True. Red soil is sandy and red in colour, and the redness is due to the presence of iron oxides.
Is red soil fertile? Which crops is it suitable for?
Red soil is usually fertile in the lowlands, but in the dry uplands they are less fertile. Red soil is suitable for growth of cotton, millets, onions, potatoes and wheat.
Where is red soil found in India?
In the periphery of black soil regions - Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Tamil Nadu.
How is laterite soil formed?
Laterite soil is formed due to intense leaching (water washes out soil nutrients) in areas with heavy rainfall.
Is laterite soil naturally fertile? Why?
Laterite soil is not naturally fertile since the topsoil and humus is washed away by heavy rainfall. To make this soil cultivable it has to be treated with fertilisers.
What are the uses of laterite soil?
Growing of jute, millets and fodder crops etc. It is also used in brickmaking.
Where is laterite soil found in India?
Coastal Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, Odisha, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal.
Describe arid and sandy soil.
Arid and sandy soil is found in the dry regions. The colour varies from dark shades of reddish brown to pastel brown. It has very low moisture and humus content as it is found in the dry deserts.
Can arid and sandy soil be made cultivable? Where is it found in India?
Arid and sandy soil can be made cultivable with the sufficient irrigation. It is found in Western Rajasthan in India.
Describe peaty and forest soil.
Peaty and forest soil is found in regions of dense vegetation. This soil is rich in humus as the organic matter that accumulates in forests decomposes to provide the same.
Where is peaty and forest soil found in India?
Forests of Jharkhand, Bihar, Uttaranchal and evergreen forests of Western Ghats.
What is soil erosion and soil degradation.
Soil erosion is the removal of topsoil. If unchecked it can lead to the depletion of soil or soil degradation.
What is mulching?
Bare ground between plants is covered with a layer of organic matter (straw/peat) to prevent loss of moisture from soil. The process of conserving soil by retaining moisture in soil is mulching.
What is contour bunding?
On hill sides, stones are used to build barriers across the slope following contours. Contours are imaginary lines connecting places that lie at the same altitude. Trenches are made in front of the barriers to collect water.
What is plugging?
Rocks are piled up to slow down the flow of water. This prevents erosion by plugging the gullies to prevent soil loss.
What is terrace farming?
Terraces are made on steep slopes so that flat surfaces are available to grow crops. Terraces reduce run-off and soil erosion. Method of conserving soil+utlilising hill slopes is terrace farming.
Define intercropping.
Intercropping - Growing different crops in alternate rows and sown at different times to protect soil from rain wash.
Define crop rotation.
Crop Rotation - Growing different crops in same field one after the other to conserve soil.
What are shelter belts?
In coastal and dry regions, where winds of high speed can blow away top soil, rows of trees are planted around farms. These check the wind, prevent soil erosion and act as shelter belts.
What are the other methods to prevent soil erosion?
Afforestation, increased use of organic manures, sprinkler and drip irrigation in place of flood irrigation can help prevent soil erosion.
Why do large parts of our country suffer from water scarcity?
This is because water resources in India are unequally distributed both seasonally and spatially.
The rivers of the Deccan and the south are __________ rivers.
The rivers of the Deccan and the south are seasonal rivers. They flood during the monsoons and have hardly any water during the hot summer months.
Why were multi-purpose projects started by Indian government?
To control annual summer floods of northern rivers and to put the water to better use, multi-purpose projects like dams were built on rivers.
Which purposes are served by dams?
flood control
providing water for irrigation
generation of hydroelectricity
providing drinking water and recreation
Mention 5 multi-purpose projects in India.
Bhakra-Nangal Project, Damodar Valley Project, Hirakud Project, Nagarjunasagar Project and Narmada Valley Project.
Main sources of irrigation in India are?
irrigation canals, wells, tanks and tubewells