Land revenue system Flashcards
What was the name of the land revenue system introduced by Warren Hastings? In which year was it introduced?
Farming System or Panchshala Bandobast
Year: 1772
Who introduced the permanent settlement of land revenue? When?
Lord Cornwallis
Year: 1793
What were the main provisions of permanent settlement?
- The zamindar was recognised as the ruler of the land and was given the right to collect the land revenue.
- The land revenue walls paid annually.
- At 10 years settlement was made with the zamindars
- Zamindars had to pay 10/11 to the company and keep 1/11 to themselves.
What was the amount of annual revenue set for permanent settlement?
Rs. 2 Crore and 68 lakh
In which area was the permanent settlement introduced in?
Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Varanasi, Ghazipur and North Karnataka
Who introduced the ryotwari system of land revenue? When?
Sir Thomas Munro and Captain Alexander Read
Year: 1820
Ryotwari System was first implemented in ___________ in the year _______ by _________
Baramahal District in Madhya Pradesh in the year 1792 by Captain Read
When was the Ryotwari system introduced in Bombay and Deccan?
Bombay: 1825
Deccan: 1858
Ryotwari system was introduced in
- Madras
- Bombay
- East Bengal
- Assam
- Coorg
Mahalwari system was introduced by
Holt Mackenzie
Who is known as the ‘father of land settlement in North India’?
Robert Martin Bird
Mahalwari system was legally sanctioned by which act?
Regulation of 1822
All India spinner association was formed by
Mahatma Gandhi
All India village industry association was formed by
Mahatma Gandhi
The first railway engine was designed by
George Stephenson