Land Law/Property Practice Flashcards
What legal estates does the Law of Property Act 1925 section 1 say are the only ones capable of subsisting in law?
Fee simple absolute in possession (aka freehold)
A term of years absolute (aka leasehold)
What are the four interests that are capable of subsisting in property law?
An easement (non possessory right to use or enter property)
A rent charge in possession (A sum of money charged on the land to the rent holder)
A charge by way of legal mortgage
Rights of entry
What (broadly) are the 5 main changes to property law the Land Registration Act 2002 introduced?
Changes to nature/scope of overriding interests
Electronic conveyancing
Changes to adverse possession
Changes to the scope of compulsory land registration
Creation of HM Land Registry
True or false - the rights of a freeholder may be subject to the rights of others, such as a mortgagee bank
True :)
What does section 205 (1) LPA 1925 BROADLY define land as?
“Land” includes land of any tenure, and mines and minerals, whether or not held apart from the surface, buildings or parts of buildings (whether the division is horizontal, vertical or made in any other way) and other corporeal hereditaments; also a manor, an advowson, and a rent and other incorporeal hereditaments .
What are fixtures?
Something that is attached to the land and becomes real property
What are chattels?
Part of the land that can be easily removed, and are personal property
Give some examples of real property
Buildings, structures, water and water rights, minerals on and below the earth, trees, crops, airspace above the surface
True or false- real property is subject to both proprietary and personal rights
True :)
Give some examples of personal property
Clothes, jewellery, electronics, equipment, machinery, copyrights, patents. Can be either tangible or intangible :)
True or false - personal property is subject to both proprietary and personal rights
False - personal property is subject to personal rights only. The owner is the only person who has an interest in the property
What are the two key things that must be looked at to see if chattels have become fixtures?
Degree of annexation (extent of attachment)
Purpose of annexation (why it’s fixed)
What are proprietary rights?
Rights that bind ‘the whole world’
What are personal rights?
Only affect the parties subject to the right (i.e A can do this to B’s property, but only A)
What are some features of proprietary rights?
They can be enjoyed against the whole world, I.E you can claim the title of owner of your property against others.
Rights and interests are recognised by the LPA 1925 I.E estate in fee simple, leasehold etc
What are some features of personal rights?
Only enforceable with the people who are involved or agreed on the obligations. Can also arise from law (for example posties being allowed on property to deliver post).
The rights are created via contract only.
What are legal rights?
Protected by legislation
What are equitable rights?
Informal and discretionary
What is an ‘estate in fee simple’?
Fee simple means that the land is completely owned and, therefore is capable of being inherited by the land owner’s heirs
What is ‘priority’?
The right to use something (i.e A owns a shop, gives B right of way but B moves, does A owe C a ROW?)
What is doctrine of notice/equitys darling?
Applies to unregistered land. A purchaser can escape liability of 3rd party interest if they purchase a legal estate in land in good faith without that 3rd party notice.
How many categories is the issue of priority subject to?
What is the first category priority is subject to?
Legal rights (WITH EXCEPTION OF A FIRST MORTGAGE) have priority over subsequently created legal rights. They do not have to be registered. Only equitable rights have to be registered as land charges.
Basically, the first created legal rights of the land take precedent over new ones and are enforceable, unless it is a first mortgage, which has to be registered to be enforceable.
What is the second category that priority is subject to?
Certain equitable rights in the LCA 1972 have to be registered to take effect.