Land Acquisition Issues Flashcards
Adverse Possession
Adverse possession allows one who has wrongfully entered a property to obtain possession of that property when there has been actual possession, which is open and notorious, and the possession is hostile continuously for the statutory period.
Adverse Possession Requirements
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- Actual
- Exclusive
- Open and notorious
- Continuous and uninterrupted possession
- Requisite statutory period
Actual Entry
The claimant must physically use the land in the same manner that a reasonable owner would.
Exclusive Possession
The true owner must be excluded from the premises.
OPEN and notorious
Open= possession that would put a REASONABLY attentive landowner on NOTICE that someone is on the land.
open and NOTORIOUS
Claimant’s use of land cannot be hidden from the owner
ADVERSE and Hostile
Adverse–inconsistent with the legal owners’ rights
Adverse and HOSTILE
Hostile–possession of the land must be without owner’s consent.
Adverse possession–majority
Possessors state of mind is irrelevant (only that they do not have permission from owner)
Adverse possession–minority
good faith–innocently but mistakenly believes they are the owners of the land. Bad faith – know the property belongs to someone else and moves in anyways.
Permission is presumed if
a grantor stays in possession after a sale.
for a co-tenant to adversely
tack processor’s time on land if there is privity (blood, K, deed, will)
toll SOL when true owner is afflicted by disability at start of Adverse Possession (insanity, infancy, imprisonment) . NO tacking of disabilities
COLOR OF TITLE – doc purports to give title but does not (forged or defective) – may reduce SOL period.
Constructive adverse possession
Constructive adverse possession - If using 10 acres out of 100. If you come in with document describing 100 acres you get all 100. If not, then you just get what you were using.