Lambada Brazilian Flashcards
Breathtaking to behold a cenote is something you would most likely associate while doing this activity
Suh no tay
Scuba diving
The so called knuckle method is a handy trick for remembering this
Number of days in each month
At only 25 years old who is the youngest winner of the council of Fashion Designers of America fashion icon award
Snack accidentally invented by an 11 year old
Capgras syndrome is chacterized by delusions that the people you know are
Cap graahhs
Not cu tard syndrome
After its chief engineer sided suddenly this landmark wqs completed by his son and daughter in law
Brooklyn bridge
John Augustus roebling
Row bling was the chief engineer
The groan worthy food pun “let’s give ‘em something to taco bout” is a play a hit song by this artist
Bonnie rait
Originally called la conquete du monde this board game was invented by Oscar winning filmmaker Albert lamorisse
La con ket Do mond
lah Marise
Scotch bonnet peppers and allspice are common components of this marinade
An innovation that dates back to the Roman Empire the astrolabe was once called by Smithsonian magazine the original this
Astrolabe is a navigation device
Thought to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck giant lifelike penises are painted everywhere in this country
This Washington DC politico has the vanity license plate H20GATE
G Gordon liddy
Traditionally used in a pre wedding event mehndi men d is a type of this
Henna tattoo
Supposedly how he gestured with a cigarette whose two fingered pointing style is used by many of his company’s employees today
Walt Disney
Time person of the year has not gone to this non person and has gone to these non people
Not to Birth control pill
Has gone to endangered planet earth 88 and the computer 82
According to the Canadian lung association about how many breaths does the average adult take each day
This fruit could humblebrag that botanically it’s also a berry
Allodoxaphobia is the irrational fear of
Al uh dox uh phobia
Root dox , orthodox means right thinking
In German politics a colorful alliance bwteeen the social democrats free democrats and greens is fittingly called this
Traffic light coalition
Germany recently 2022 ish new PM who is head of coalition
Contestants on Ru Paul’s drag race trade insults with each other when this is opened
The blue lake sacred to the taos Pueblo people is a located in this US state
T ows
New Mexico
First Lady Claudia Alta Taylor Johnson was better known by ….
Actor Eliot page has a tattoo of ET followed by this two word phrase from a 1982 movie
Phone home