LAM 2-E2-Poultry Hoefer 2 Flashcards
Intracellular- Gr - rod Food borne dz- won't get from playing from them fecal oral transmission Zoonotic Human-illness and deaths
Salmonella enterica- over 2600 subtypes so name by subtype
Salmonella subtypes adapted to chicken- host specific
S. pullorum, S. gallinarum
endotoxins- create tissue necrosis
S. paratyphoid
Typhimurium, Enteritis, Arizona
Toung bird disease, bacillary white diarrhea
Pullorum Disease
S. Gallinarum
Young birds
smuggled birds from Mexico
Fowl Typhoid
This type of salmonella enters the Egg
S. Enteritidis
Turkey dz
potentially zoonotic
Rare bc we handle our turkeys well
S. Arizonae
diarrhea dz that becomes systemic
hypopion in one eye
ddx- typhoid, cholera, air saculitis
E. coli: Colibacillosis
Gr + rod anaerobic resistant in enviornment opportunistic 6 types enterotoxins Type C most sig tennis rackets- overgrowth- coccitus
Limber neck- flaccid paralysis
Ducks- shallow murky water
C. botulism
Ulcerative enteritis
Multiple pathogens
swollen legs and feet
Gangrenous dermatitis
Acid fast organism Chronic wasting GI- diarrhea Necropsy- granulomas in GI organs ddx- lymphoma Zoonotic- people Pulmonary
Avian Tuberculosis
Avian Tuberculosis
M. avian M. genavense
contagious highly fatal Reportable herpesvirus waterfowl a lot of hemorrhages* necrotizing hepatitis ddx- botulism (neck twisted)
Duck Viral Enteritis- Duck Plague
Young animals
Die quickly
Not as toxic as enteritis
Duck Viral Hepatitis
Turkeys A lot of Red Gr + rod in soil opportunistic petechiations Vegetative endocarditis vasculitis hemorrhage Zoonotic
Gumboro, Baby Chicken Dz BURSA young growing chickens- wipes out immunity broilers- severe problem (like beak and feather dz in parrots) RNA virus Necropsy- edematous large bursa
Infectious Bursal Disease**
Marek’s- Herpes- endemic in chicken flocks
Lymphoid leukosis complex- retrovirus/sarcoma
Chicken Neoplastic Diseases
Lymphoid infiltration of nerve trunks and organs
Enlargement of sciatic nerve
Partial paralysis- one leg forward and one leg back
Tumors associated with nerves
Lymphocyte infiltration into iris- turns white
Marek’s Dz*
“Big Liver Dz”
liver and spleen
Lymphoid Leukosis
host specific
always present
Worst coccidia- cecal coccidiosis
bloody droppings, high mortality
Eimeria tenella
Which species has a large paired cecum?
Test for coccidia in chickens, test the ____ poop
Cecal poops
Northern fowl mite
Ornithonyssus sylvarum
This mite stays on host for entire life cycle
Northern fowl mite
comes on and off of animal
hard to eradicate
Red chicken mite
Red Chicken mite
Dermanyssus gallinae
A common biting louse
Body louse
Scaley face and leg mite
can be very proliferative
Tx of ectoparasites
dust baths
ivermectin- off label for commercial poultry
need to contact before giving off label drug to get approval and obtain withdrawal time before tx
egg withdrawal times 3-6wks
allergy issues
abx resistance
FARAD Food animal residue avoidance bank
usually start tx and wait for email response
See a chicken limping. Has a caseous plug or core in bottom of foot tx- soak and need to pull out corn pad and bandage. +/- pack abx silver alginate. Bandage good foot as well
Crop impactions and stasis
Perforated gizzard, potential for leakage and peritonitis
Hardware Disease
What can cause ascending paralysis, abnormal eggs, and lymphoid tumors
Marek’s Disease
ADR, not a lot of signs- rads to check for ____
FB ingestion
What is the presumptive dx in a chicken with the following necropsy finding? (bursa is hemorrhaged)
Infectious bursal disease
A decrease in egg production and the formation of abnormal eggs with a watery albumin is most associated with _____
Infectious Bronchitis
Acute Zinc toxicity cs
Hemolytic anemia
This disease has intranuclear inclusion bodies
Infectious larynogotracheitis
Two herpes virus
ILT and Marek’s dz