Lagos Flashcards
What does urban planning attempt to improve?
Quality of life for the poor of Lagos
What is the importance of Lagos regionally?
It has important manufacturing, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. It has important banking, finance and insurance industries.
How is Lagos important nationally?
It used to be the capital of Nigeria and remains the main port. It has the country’s main government offices and a thriving film and music industry – ‘Nollywood’
Why is Lagos important internationally?
It is probably the most important port and financial centre in all of west Africa with many TNC(big companies eg apple)s locating their African offices here
How has Lagos grown so quickly- migration?
People were pushed from poorly paid agricultural jobs in the surrounding area as mechanisation took place and being pulled to Lagos on the promise of better paid jobs and improved living conditions. 275,000 new migrants arrive every year
How many new migrants arrive in Lagos each year
What happened due to mechanisation?
People were pushed poorly paid agricultural jobs in the surrounding area
What stage is Nigeria in for the demographic transition model?
Stage 3
What does Nigeria being in stage 3 of the demiogratic model mean?
Death rates have fallen rapidly but birth rates are still high- rapid population growth
How has Lagos grown so quickly?
Migration and natural increase
What are the problems the urban poor living in Lagos face?
poor housing, high crime rates, lack of services (electricity, water and sanitation), unemployment. With a rapidly growing population
What do government policies through urban planning aim to improve?
improve Lagos poor peoples lives and address these problems: poor housing, high crime rates, lack of services (electricity, water and sanitation), unemployment. With a rapidly growing population
What’s the neighbourhood hotspot?
are shared facilities, a place to learn, a to gather, encouraging personal initiative, personal responsibility, and entrepreneurial activities.
When was makoko floating school built?
How many children can be hosted in one classroom in makoko floating school?
What is makoko floating school used for other than a school?
A community centre
What is makoko floating school a prototype for?
the sort of structures that could help to house the population in future
Because makoko floating school is environmentally sustainable, what does this help communities withstand?
The impact of rising sea levels
What’re unskilled local workers hired to build?
The structure of makoko floating school
What’s the idea behind unskilled local workers coming up with the idea of building the structure of makoko floating school?
That they would build their own homes with the techniques learned while building the school.
Why have slums been bulldozed?
To make way for luxury development
Who does the government tend to favour ( business wise)?
Big businesses over poor
Who does infrastructure projects mainly benefit?
The wealthy who for example own cars
What percentage of people live in squatter settlements?
What’s makokos infant mortality?
55 per 1000
How many house holds share per community toilets?
Where does a lot of the raw sewage go?
The lagoon
How far are walks to communal water points?
Up to 3km
How frequent are power cuts?
Why do many drop out of education?
They need to support their family- poor healthcare
What’s an example of people working in the informal sector?
Street vendors
There’s high levels of crime being ‘policed’ by gangs called….?
‘Area boys’
What is a problem air pollution wise?
Wood smoke from fishing, old cars emitting fumes
How long do people wait commonly in slow moving traffic?
2 hours
What are the challenges urban growth has created for people in Lagos?
Managing rapid growth – slums,providing clean water, sanitation and energy, providing services( education and health),reducing unemployment and crime and managing environmental issues - waste, pollution, congestion
Where is the number of doctors per head of the population much higher- city or countryside?
What percentage of the population have secondary education?
What percentage of the rural community have a primary education?
Urban growth opportunities for resources examples
Access to electricity for home and businesses. Water treatment centres provides safe water to large areas
Urban growth opportunities. Give an economic example/s
Jobs in factories, construction and financial sectors. Lagos has the film industry in Africa
What opportunities did urban growth create?
Health, education, resources( water and energy) and economic development
What location offers far more job opportunities?
Costal ( they smoke fish)
How does smoking fish jobs improve health
Fish have nutrition and there’s more food resources
Give an example of huge infrastructure projects that creates jobs.
electrification of the railway line and the impressive Eko Atlantic Skyscraper
What does Lateef Sholebo want to do( building wise)
Replace slums with high rise buildings
What problems will replacing slums with high rise buildings solve?
overcrowding and reduce urban sprawl
What did Lateef Sholebos first slum he replaced with a high rise building do?
11 families( 48 people) instead of one per slum