lady indigo parts Flashcards
scene 1 orange - shes dead!
indigo - and one of us amongst this group of mysteriously connected strangers, is the killer!
scene 1 n2 - lets meet our suspects who are helpfully color coded so you can remember them
indigo - Lady indigo a mysterious lady in blue
scene 3 (Vick falls over )
indigo - (gasp!) shes dead!
scene 3 MB - I swam with a sea lion once. two thousand pounds of fat nosed majesty
indigo - are you through MR BURGANDY?
scene 3 MB - I am only though the first part of my tale
indigo - we don’t have time for this! a dolphin whisperer is DEAD! and I know who did it…
scene 3 n1 - method 2 accuse sm1 else
indigo - it was SOYLENT GREEN!!
scene 3 green - what are you talking about lady?!
indigo - you just couldn’t bear to see these fish in captivity could you?
scene 3 orange - they’re mammals actually!
indigo - (to orange) you are derailing my accusation.(to green) it ate you up inside, didn’t it? the way the dolphins got all the applause for jumping through hoops? you were jealous. why didn’t ppl clap for you when you jumped through a hoop or bounced a beach ball on your nose? they just called you a weirdo and left the walmart. so you hatched a plan just like dolphins hatch their young. murder
scene 3 green - I think these sea monsters should be imprisoned and trained for our amusement.
indigo - so why did you kill this innocent person??
(drag body)
look at her! she wasn’t doing anything wrong!
scene 3 green - I didn’t kill her!
indigo - well sm1 here did!!
scene 3 BD I believe I may be of some assistance!
indigo - aw dang it
scene 3 n2 tactic 2 logic
indigo - it was the teenager! shes sullen and emotional!
scene 3 BD has the body been moved in anyway?
indigo - no…
scene 3 green - you just dragged her towards me!
indigo - and you dragged her back, so that cancels out!
scene 3 BD - two words that begin with the letter I
indigo - why are you looking at me?
scene 3 BD - “in order to exucute my dream of opening dolphin themed restaurants featuring dolphin burgers and seal steaks!
indigo - that could be anyone!
scene 3 orange - you put ur name on it?!
indigo - i wanted her to know it was me! oh shoot. (timer dings)
scene 5 green - it wasn’t Me.
indigo - oh ok. i guess we’ll just take your word for it.
scene 5 green - Idc abt any1 enough here to want to kill any1. I just want to do my science things
Indigo - what science things?
scene 5 MB - I think I understand science things a little more than a teenager.
indigo - you are a neanderthal that’s what you are
scene 5 orange - it was a science thing. a revolutionary science thing.
indigo - I hear those are nice this time of year.
scene 5 OW - –swear to my presence under oath.
indigo - shes got you there..
scene 5 OW - ur right, I’m js very possessive of it.
indigo - we have a bathroom??! you’ve been telling me we didn’t have one for months!
scene 5 OW - I like my privacy!
indigo - I’ve been driving 5 miles to the mc Donald’s down the highway!
scene 5 OW - dang it!
indigo - that seemed unnecessarily complicated.