Lack of Political Influence Flashcards
2 Things
- In 1900 180k black men could vote but by 1915 only 3 % of men could vote
- This meant they lost their 14th ammenment their right to vote as their minority was speciifically targeted for these voting restrictions.
Analysis Plus
Some black men were still able to vote with all these restrictions in place meaning they have a chance to vote for change.
What is the Grandfather clause
The Grandfather clause was introduced which stated that if your grandfather was unable to vote when he was 18 that meant you were also unable to vote.
White men tried very hard to stop black people from achieving full civil rights and to stop them they introduced voting restrictions.
What is the residency qualification
the residency qualification meant Black men had to prove they lived in the same place for some time since they had to move around for work and many men couldn’t vote.