Labs for Surgical Patient Flashcards
Why do we do Pre-Op labs?
- To make sure the patient is ready for surgery and to get a base line for any adverse reactions.
- Used to screen for asymptomatic disease that may have surgical consequences.
- An appraisal of diseases that may contraindicate elective surgery or require treatment prior to surgery.
- To evaluate stability of a previously diagnosed disease
- To evaluate the nature and extent of metabolic or septic conditions
What Pre-Op labs do we run?
CBC BMP, Mg, Phos LFTs UA Coags Tumor markers
Patients over 40 should get which tests?
CBC, BMP, Mg, Phos
Patients over 50 should get which tests? Why?
All patients under going surgery should get a CXR, Why?
To check for metastasis
If a patient has a history of bleeding gums what test would you want to look at?
Coag study
What do you get from a CBC? What are the norms?
WBC- 4.5-11
Hb- 15
Hct- 45%
Plt- 150-450
P-60% Band- 0% L- 25% M- 5% E- 2% B- 1%
What do you get from a BMP? What are the norms?
Na- 135-145 K- 3.5-5.1 Cl- 98-106 CO2- 22-29 BUN- 8-20 Creat- 0.6-1.2 Glu- 70-115
Ca- 8.4-10.2
Mag- 1.3-2.1
Phos- 2.7-4.5
What do you get from a LFT? What are the norms?
Tot Prot- 6-8 Alb- 4 Tot Bil- 0.3-1 Dir Bil- 0-0.2 Alk Phos- 30-120 (varies with age) LDH- 100-210 AST- 7-40 ALT- 7-40
What are you looking for in a UA?
Specific gravity- estimate of urine osm Leukocyte Esterase Nitrites WBC Bacteria Casts RBC
Do you get a urine drug screen with a UA?
No it has to be ordered separately
With a UTI what are you looking for in a UA?
Nitrites and LE
What do you get from a Coag Test?
What is PT?
Prothrombin time, evaluates extrinsic clotting cascade
What increases PT?
Coumadin (factors II, VII, IX, X, Protein S & C)
What is PTT?
Partial Thromboblastin Time, evaluates intrinsic clotting cascade
What increases PTT?
Heparin (antithrombin III)
What is INR?
International ratio, normalized PTT (goal is 2-3; norm=1)
What must you ask a surgical patient about before the surgery?
History of bleeding
What are the tumor markers? What do they screen for?
CEA- (carcinoembryonic antigen): colon cancer
CA 19-9- pancreatic cancer
AFP (alpha fetal protien)- testicular cancer and hepatocellular cancer
PSA (Prostate specific antigen)- prostate cancer
*What are thing that we need to think about for Pre- and Post- Op Labs?
Who is undergoing the surgery(age, PMHx/comorbidities, Meds, Bleeding Hx)
What surgery are they undergoing? (level of invasiveness)
What test should you run on any woman of child bearing age?
HCG, it broadens what you think
T/F: you must essentially readmit the patient to the hospital Post-Op.
What goes into the Post-Op orders?
ADCVANDIML admit diagnosis conditions vitals activity nursing diet IVF Meds Labs Other- Call HO for....