Labour Flashcards
Definition of Labour
Process of uterine contractions and cervical dilatation that enables the uterus to deliver the viable foetus (> 24wks), placenta and membranes
When is labour Dx
When there are regular + increasing painful uterine contractions that cause progressive cervical effacement and/or dilation
Definition of 1st stage of labour
Period b/t onset of reg. + painful uterine contractions to full cervical dilatation
Definition of 2nd stage of labour
- *Full** cervical dilation to delivery of the foetus
- avg.= 1h in nulliparous
- avg. 30mins in multiparous woman
Definition of 3rd stage of labour
Period from delivery of foetus to delivery of placenta + membrane
- avg. < 15mins w/ active management
Definition of Latent phase of labour
- *Part of 1st stage** of labour
- Durat. for cervix to become effaced (from 3cm ⇒ <0.5 cm) + dilated to 3cm
- can take 6-8h in nullipara
- can take 4-6h in multipara
Definition of Active phase of labour
Durat. for cervix to dilate 3cm ⇒ 10cm
- avg. rate of cervical dilatation= 0.5cm/ h
What is a partogram and what are the events it records?
= a graphic representation of progress of labour
- Rate of cervical dilatation
- Descent of head
- Contraction frequ. + durat.
- Colour/ quantity of liquor
- Caput + moulding of head
- Maternal parameters: HR; BP; temp.
- Urine output + urinalysis
What is the meaning of ALERT lines and ACTION lines on a partogram
- ALERT line= mean rate of slowest progress of labour (< 0.5cm/ h)
N/B: Normal labour is plotted to L of ALERT line
- ACTION line= when approp. action should be taken to progress labour e.g. rupture membrane, oxytocin drip, C-section
What are ideal contractions in terms of frequ. + duration?
- Frequ.= 4 every 10 mins
N/B: contraction frequ. measured as x in every 10 mins
- Duration= > 1 min