Labour Flashcards
What is Stage I (Cervical Prep?)
- Onset of REGULAR and PAINFUL contractions
- Cervical effacement and dilation (up to 10cm)
What is Stage II? (Delivery of Baby)
- Baby enters the pelvis at in the OCCIPUT TRANSVERSE position. Baby is depressed, causing the head to flex against the baby’s chest. This causes the vertex of the head to be delivered first at the narrowest position
- Levator ani internally rotates and depresses baby’s head = OCCIPUT ANTERIOR
What is Stage II (Delivery of Baby) Part 2?
The baby’s head is pushed through the cervix and out the vagina.
RESTITUTION: Extension and external rotation of the head as it comes out, allowing the anterior shoulder to pass under the pubic symphysis
The posterior shoulder and body follow
What is Stage III (Delivery of Placenta)?
As the placenta pulls away from the uterus the cord lengthens and bleeding occurs. The midwife will pull the cord + placenta out through the vagina
The placenta is passed and checked.
Can be given oxytocin to induce contractions to get placenta out
What are the reasons for induction of labour?
- Elective
- Harm to foetus (pre-eclampsia/harm to mother)
- Oligohydroamnios
- Late (40+ weeks)
What are the techniques/methods for induction of labour?
- Membrane sweep
- Oxytocin injection
- Prostaglandins (pill, gel or pessaries)
- Membrane rupture (cut into amniotic sac)
- Balloon catheter (to dilate cervix)